Final Jeopardy: Cold War Craft (1-20-25)

The Final Jeopardy question (1/20/2025) in the category “Cold War Craft” was:

A U.S. Navy website says its journey from New London to Norway in 1957 opened up Arctic waters previously ruled by the Soviets

The first group of Champions Wildcard semifinalists are: Joey DeSena, a development engineer from Raleigh, NC;Drew Goins, a journalist from Honolulu, HI; and Jen Feldman, a H.S. teacher from Brooklyn, NY.

Round 1 Categories: Remembering Martin Luther King Jr. – Museums – Farm Tools & Machinery – British Sitcoms – This or That – Back Words & Forward

Joey found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Museums” under the $1,000 clue on the 13th pick of the round. He was in second place with $1,600, $2,600 less than Drew’s lead. Joey made it a true Daily Double and came up with a last second guess of Crystal Palace. That was WRONG.

Sir Aston Webb designed this London Museum of Decorative Arts show

Drew finished in the lead with $7,200. Jen was second with $2,400 and Joey was last with $800. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: French Geography – 18th Century Writing – Broadway – Psychology – Let’s Talk About Politics – Starts With “D”

Jen found the first Daily Double in “18th Century Writing” under the $1,200 clue on the 18th pick. She was in last place with $7,200 now, $11,600 less than Drew’s lead. Jen bet $5,000 and she was RIGHT.

Pangloss & Cunegonde are characters in this satire that mocked optimism by portraying a world of folly & danger show

3) PSYCHOLOGY $1200 (clue #20, $5600 left on board)
Drew 19600 +4000 (Joey 9600 Jen 12200)

Drew got the last Daily Double in “Psychology” under the $1200 clue, with 10 clues left after it. In the lead with $19,600, he had $7,400 more than Jen in second place. Drew bet $4,000 and he was RIGHT.

Like “helicopter parents”, this term from a sports-minded Danish psychologist describes parents who sweep obstacles away from kids show

Drew finished in the lead with a runaway $26,800. Jen was next with $12,600 and Joey was in third place with $9,200. All clues were shown.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


Construction of the world’s first nuclear powered submarine began in 1951. She became the 6th Navy vessel to be named “Nautilus”. It was the 571st submarine built by the Navy, hence its SSN-571 designation. On 8/19/1957, Nautilus left New London, CT to travel under the Arctic polar ice pack, a 1,383 mile journey. From the Arctic, Nautilus participated in some NATO exercises off the coast of Norway. She visited several British and French ports before continuing home to New London at the end of October. The Nautilus was decommissioned in 1980 and converted into a museum ship. Since opening to the public in 1986 at the Submarine Force Library and Museum in Groton, CT.

Another interesting video: Who Owns the Arctic and Why It Matters

Joey got it right with Nautalis. He bet $611 and finished with $9,811.

Jen wrote down “watch more women’s sports”. She lost $2,600 and finished with $10,000.

Drew went with a mouse, which seems to have been elevated to his stock “I don’t know” response. He bet nothing so he advances to the finals on the strength of his $26,800 runaway.

Final Jeopardy (1/20/2025) Joey DeSena, Drew Goins, Jen Feldman

A triple stumper from each round:

REMEMBERING MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. ($1000) At King’s funeral, this gospel singer & close friend sang the hymn “Precious Lord, Take My Hand”

FRENCH GEOGRAPHY ($2000) The chief city of Alsace & home to several European institutions, this Eastern city is just 2.5 miles from the German border

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: BOTH players left in FJ! this clue in “ASTRONOMY & GEOGRAPHY”

At the winter solstice, the Sun is in Sagittarius; it once appeared in this constellation, giving a geographic feature its name show


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5 Responses

  1. Doug Hicton says:

    “571th submarine”? Is that pronounced “five hundred and seventy WONTH”?

  2. Jason says:

    I don’t know how many people might call Mattea “personable”. Oh well! But, Drew? That kid is affable and so exuberant! And, I thought the stage was cold – I’ve always said, if I ever got on J!, I would wear an aloha shirt, but I thought I’d have to wear a blazer over it, ere I get shivers. But, Drew rocked the aloha shirt. I also dig the shaka at the beginning!

    The Nautilus was well before my time, but I got it easily. New London CT is from where most US Navy subs originate, at least as far as I know!

    Daily Doubles, on the other hand, weren’t my friend. 0/3. Should have gotten the parenting one, but I chose another ice event, and said Zamboni.

    We’ll have to see how Will does!

  3. VJ says:

    It would have been great if they had this STARTS WITH D clue in Will’s game and he got it.

    “To speak slowly with vowels prolonged; some might have a ‘Southern’ one”

  4. Howard says:

    Hmm, only one woman out of 9 semi-finalists. I wonder how many will make the expanded field for ToC, and how many have qualified so far.

    I was very young at the time, but I certainly know remember the Nautilus.
    Never heard of curling parents, but “sweep” and “sports” led me right to it, as it did for Drew. He’s so darn talented and personable, and so young. Like Mattea Roach and many others in the past. My sister’s close to 3X his age and has a crush on him.

    Thought someone would know the gospel singer, considering she sang the day of the “I Have a Dream” speech. Was sure one of them would know the 3 words for gambling on 4th down. (If it were a women’s sport, Jen surely would have known it.)

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