Top 15 Daily Payouts of Season 35

As I mentioned on February 4th’s weekly recap, I wanted to look at the Top 15 payouts for Season 35 for a different purpose so this list only reflects the highest payout for each player on it. On April 17, 2019, James Holzhauer broke his own record for the highest single day winnings of all-time, let alone Season 35! See all his game stats here.

Last update: 7/27/2019

  1. $131,127 – James Holzhauer 4/17/19
  2. $48,001 – Eric R. Backes 2/11/19
  3. $46,801 – Emma Boettcher 6/3/19
  4. $42,401 – Sam Kavanaugh 7/10/19
  5. $40,600 – Dan Martson 6/11/19
  6. $39,995 – Anneke Garcia 1/15/19
  7. $38,200 – Mary Ann Borer 11/5/18
  8. $38,200 – Brendan Roach 6/6/19
  9. $35,601 – Steven Grade 3/28/19
  10. $35,601 – Martin Kane 6/10/19
  11. $35,201 – Lindsey Shultz 3/14/19
  12. $34,650 – Ryan Bilger 7/5/19
  13. $34,401 – Lori Goodman 9/11/18
  14. $33,801 – Dave Leffler 12/3/18
  15. $33,600 – Alan Dunn 10/18/18

A while back, a reader suggested that they have a “second chance” tournament to recognize contestants who played brilliant games but somehow didn’t make it to 5 games and I thought that was a capital idea. They might consider a tournament over the summer hiatus with the Top 15 from this list. Maybe that would be too much to ask as it would add two extra taping days to their schedule. But since they don’t do Kids Week anymore, maybe they would consider having a one-week Tournament bringing these players back, with the winner of each game just keeping that day’s total. It could be the last week of every season.

It could be just the thing to motivate players to make bigger bets on Daily Doubles and Final Jeopardy! Or maybe it wouldn’t work out for some reason I’m not seeing but I would vote for it because I’d love to see these players get their props at the end of the season.

Here, also, is the list of Under $10K Payouts:

S35 under $10K (Last update: 7/12/2019)

  1. $9,600 – Conor Murphy 3/8/18
  2. $9,599 – Kyle Jones 9/13/18
  3. $9,199 – Dylan Hamilton 11/26/18
  4. $8,599 – Bif Reiser 2/8/19
  5. $8,400 – Rachel Fabi 2/18/19
  6. $8,199 – Josh Levit 7/1/19
  7. $7,999 – Sam Kavanaugh 7/11/19
  8. $6,999 – Steven Grade 3/29/19
  9. $6,000 – Dana Wayne 3/6/19
  10. $5,999 – Doug Dodson 10/2/18
  11. $5,200 – Adriana Ciccone 11/29/18
  12. $4,799 – Elizabeth Goss 11/30/18
  13. $4,600 – Dave Scatena 3/22/19
  14. $4,400 – Dave Scatena 7/25/19
  15. $3,600 – Nancy Schoppa 9/24/18
  16. $2,198 – Tori Campbell 10/26/18

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1 Response

  1. John B./I. says:

    Agree, but I bet we will see Eric and Anneke ( at least) in the ToC anyway, IF it is in November.