The Two Lisas Recap: Shameless

In “The Two Lisas” (Shameless S5 E3 – 1/25/2015), Debbie decides to throw a party and Sheila chips in almost a whole case of Frank’s Milk of the Gods; Fiona finds out that Davis is shameless about cheating on his live-in love; Frank puts Carl up to sabotaging the two gay women who are buying up the property in the hood; and he puts Sammi in a situation that leads to a big blow-up in more ways than one.

Carl and Debbie are still arguing over losing their virginity, and when he tells Debbie about the party he was at where the party-goers were older, Debbie decides that’s just the thing. She passes out lots of invites to anyone over 17, giving a special “as a pal” invitation to Matty Baker, the pizza delivery guy she had a mad crush on last season. Davis invited Fiona to a jazz show and she tries to say “no party” since she won’t be there to chaperone, but decides to trust Debbie. The booze is a gift from Sheila who is angry with Frank because he does not want to see the USA in an RV with her. But Frank’s Milk of the Gods all but knocks Matty out and Debbie takes him to her bedroom. He wakes up the next morning in his shorts with nearby evidence indicating he had sex with Debbie. He leaves her a message to text him so they can talk and when they meet, Matty is horrified when she confirms his suspicions.

Debbie is truly confused as to how he could perform and not remember it. “That’s biology! That’s not consent,” Matty says and tells her that she date-raped him. Clueless Debbie’s face lights up: “We were on a date?” Matty says she statutory-raped herself. “I could go to jail,” he exclaims and wants no further contact with her despite her apologies.

Debbie explains the situation to her older brother Lip, who can’t believe it. His advice is to stay away from “seriously weird” Matty. Normal guys would not react that way. When Fiona finds out what happened, her main concern seems to be that Debbie was “careful,” perhaps foreshadowing an unanticipated pregnancy? Lip’s reaction was strange, given that last season he questioned why Matty was hanging around with Debbie to begin with. But Matty seemed to truly care for Debbie and we worried a lot about him landing in jail over her eager desire to become a woman. Yes, this is “Shameless”, but in real life, it would not be funny for a guy to end up being a father or on the sex offenders list this way. And we don’t want to leave out that no small part of this is that Debbie believes she is in love with Matty. As for Carl, he is still technically a virgin, at least by Bill Clinton’s definition.

Angela returned to the diner to give Fiona another $100 tip and an invitation to dinner but Fiona declined. Jackie and Fiona think Angela is a lesbian so it’s feels weird that Fiona will lead her on to get the Benjamins and won’t say: “Hey, sorry, Angela, but I’m straight.” Of course, we know that Angela’s interest in Fiona has something to do with Jimmy/Steve.

At the jazz show, nothing even gets started between Fiona and Davis because a woman named Gigi unexpectedly shows up. She turns out to be his live-in girlfriend. Davis introduces Fiona as his bandmate Gus’s date and Fiona pretends that is true. Later, she apologizes for throwing herself into the role, but Gus didn’t mind. In fact, he invites her to have coffee at a coffee shop near where he lives that he knows is closed. She accepts for the next morning. Of course, they wind up at his apartment where he sings her a song that is worth dying for and the next thing you know, she’s in his lap.

When a source of income at the Alibi is raided and shut down for good. Veronica comes up with a plan to supplement the family income by selling breast milk and they round up as many lactating moms as possible. Frank has got his first really big order for Milk of the Gods but he can’t see how he can fill the order with his slow equipment. He makes a deal with a guy named Hanzi for better equipment. He doesn’t have any money but he does have a daughter, and offers to fix Hanzi up with Sammi. He describes Sammi as the loosest woman of the loose to Hanzi. He describes Hanzi to Sammi as an upstanding businessman. Upon learning the real deal, Sammi goes ballistic and charges down Sheila’s basement where she assaults Frank. Hanzi is right behind her.

Throughout the entire episode, Sheila insisted that she will sell the house and go on the road in an R.V. with or without Frank, but he finally broke her down. Sheila was just saying she was going to tell Ernie, the R.V. dealer, to turn around and take the R.V. back when Sammi and Hanzi showed up. Even with Sammi on his back, Frank manages to get outside, leaving Hanzi downstairs and he starts drinking some of the booze, in spite of his prior claim of an alcohol-free life. When Frank breaks free, he screams at the two women, delineating all their faults in no uncertain terms. As they stand there in shock, the house explodes and one of Hanzi’s legs lands in front of them. Ernie pulls up in the R.V. and gets out to see what happened. Sheila jumps in and drives off.

Mandy Milkovich also departed in “Two Lisas”. Kenyatta was taking her to Indiana and she saw no reason to stay. Ian and Mickey feared that Kenyatta would kill her, but Mandy insisted that he wasn’t abusing her anymore. Ian enlisted Lip’s help to get her to stay but Lip was unable to respond to Mandy’s declaration of love, or to say he would not be seeing Amanda anymore if Mandy stayed.

Supporting Cast: The Two Lisas

As for the two Lisas, the short one had already warned Carl that they weren’t that easy to scare off despite him getting their vehicle towed, putting serial killer posters up and leaving drug paraphernalia littered all around the property they bought up after foreclosure on a family with kids. They high-fived each other in front of the wreckage that was Sheila’s home on not having to pay for demolition.

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