Masters Tournament Recap: Tuesday 5-23-23

Here are some more clues from the 5/17/2023 Jeopardy! Masters Tournament matches. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the show can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

Semifinal 3 – James, Mattea, Matt

BLACK HISTORY & CULTURE (400) In 1956, he became the first black entertainer to host a nationally broadcast TV variety show (image)

SCULPTORS (1200) Weird, it’s abstract but it’s also a chicken–it’s this, from words for “life” & “shape”, maybe by Jean Arp or Anish Kapoor

QUESTIONAL MUSIC CHOICES (2000) On this “White Album” cut, the only no-title lyric, really, is “no one will be watching us”

BEFORE, DURING & AFTER (400) “International” cocoa concoction for the unmarried Clue character portrayed by Colin Jost’s wife
(2000) Numeric sci-fi book about metaverse, a singular evening of passion & the controversial right to use deadly force as self-defense

Semifinal 4 – Mattea, Andrew, Matt

FICTIONAL CASTLES (400) Prince Adam of Eternia transforms into He-Man by raising his power sword & proclaiming “by the power of” this castle

THEIR OCCUPATIONAL SURNAME (800) Precious metal worker who wrote the music for “Chinatown” & “Hoosiers”

THE MOVIES (1000) Robin Williams had a cameo as a mime class instructor in this film that Bobcat Goldthwait wrote, directed & starred in

CENTURY NOTES (2000) 6th Century: This “B” list Roman translates Aristotle into Latin

LET’S GO GULFING (800) The seat of Pinellas County, this Florida gulf coast city got its name when someone noticed springs with really…

LABOR (1200) Becky Pringle is president of this union, America’s largest with about 3 million members

CLASSIC CAR TV (2000) In 1963 Fred Gwynne copped out on this sitcom whose title was a question itself; a year later, Fred was a Munster

EPONYMS (1200) This plant that has brilliant scarlet, pink or petallike bracts is named for a U.S. minister to Mexico in the 1820sLatin

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3 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    I’ve missed many of the Masters games, but did see these. Most of the clues are so far over my head, I just keep shaking it when they respond correctly.
    But I surprised myself by nailing several stumpers (it pays to be old): the singer’s TV series; the White Album song; the He-man castle (I had 2 young sons in the 80s); and the Fred Gwynne sitcom.

    The solar eclipse and Yemeni seaport DDs were super easy (the latter was a cinch if you do crosswords).

    If you ask me, they could have just cut a check for $1M or whatever the prize is and handed it to James on the first night.

    • VJ says:

      I agree that it pays to be old sometimes, Howard. LOL!! I got all those “vintage” stumpers. As for He-Man, my son also was a big fan of his. I remember taking him out to see He-Man at one of those Meet the Cartoon Character events.

      I agree about just handing it to James, but we’ll see if a bold DD can depose him.

      • Howard says:

        I think our Castle Grayskull is still out in my garage somewhere.
        My boys also had several of the action figures.