Final Jeopardy Clues: 10-9-23 to 10-13-23

Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of October 9 through 13, 2023.

Mon, October 9 – Correct answers: 1
WOMEN AUTHORS: In “A Room of One’s Own”, the “four famous names” are Austen, 2 Brontës & this author who died closest to Virginia Woolf’s own time show

Tue, October 10 – Correct answers: 1
NEW ZEALAND: Christchurch is the largest city in this New Zealand region that shares its name with an English city known for a church begun in the 6th century show

Wed, October 11 – Correct answers: 0
FINE ART: An early owner of this 1889 painting full of blue & green noted how well the artist “understood the exquisite nature of flowers!” show

Thu, October 12 – Correct answers: 2
WORD ORIGINS: Though it meant “seasickness” in Latin, this 6-letter word now refers to a more general feeling of sickness show

Fri, October 13 – Correct answers: 0
ROYALTY: Before his death in 2005, he said he was “probably the last head of state to be able to recognize all his compatriots in the street” show

It was another week of tough finals on the Alex Trebek Stage, with the exception of Thursday’s clue. Two players got that right for a change. Otherwise, it was two clues with one right and two triple stumpers. The easiest one for me was Friday’s clue. I knew that one from putting this list together a few years ago. Monday’s 19th century lit clue was easy for me, too. The hardest was the painting because I misread the clue and thought they wanted the artist’s name. Ugh!

The first four games of the week were quarter-finals and these 4 contestants advanced to the semi-finals: Sam Stapleton, Joe Velasco, Lucy Ricketts and Josh Saak.

On Friday, Sam Stapleton won the first semi-final. The quarter-finals of the players in this game are linked to below.

2023Oct11 Sam Stapleton – advanced to finals

2023Oct10 Joe Velasco – $10,000

2023Oct03 Lawrence Long – $10,000

That leaves 6 more players to compete in two semi-finals next week, then it’s on to the finals for the winners.

2023Oct12 Josh Saak

2023Oct09 Lucy Ricketts

2023Oct06 Daniel Nguyen

2023Oct05 Joe Feldmann

2023Oct04 Kendra Blanchette

2023Oct02 Dane Reighard


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