Master Minds Recap: January 11, 2021

Here’s a recap of the clues on Master Minds for Monday, January 11, 2021 with host Brooke Burns.

Today’s episode title: “Trivia, Smarts & A Hearty Breakfast”
Today’s Master Minds: Ken Jennings, Muffy Marracco, Jonathan Corbblah
Today’s challengers: Ann-Marie, Jackson, Dana

The show’s format pits 3 contestants against each other and 3 Master Minds against each other. There are 3 rounds and the contestant with the highest score wins $1,000 and faces off in the Ultimate Trivia Challenge against the winning Master Mind. If the contestant beats the Master Mind, the prize money goes up to $10,000.

Round 1: Here are the 7 categories and questions. 100 points for each correct answer.

(1) ANATOMY: Doctors recommend sneezing into your chelidon, the inside part of your what?
(a) elbow (b) wrist (c) armpit
(2) BREAKFAST: Sigmund Freud’s nephew was the public relations master who first popularized the pairing of eggs with what food?
(a) toast (b) bacon (c) hash browns
(3) SPORTS: Who famously tore off her shirt in excitement after scoring the winning goal in the 1999 Women’s World Cup?
(a) Mia Hamm (b) Hope Solo (c) Brandi Chastain
(4) WHICH CAME FIRST: Crosby, Stills or Nash?
(a) Bing Crosby (b) Stillson pipe wrench (c) “Nash Bridges”
(5) PSEUDONYMS: French writer Amantine Lucille Aurore Dudevant authored her novels and memoirs under what pen name?
(a) Simone de Beauvoir (b) George Sand (c) Arthur Rimbaud
(6) PHOBIAS: If the sight of clusters of tiny holes triggers feelings of anxiety, you most likely suffer from what?
(a) trypophobia (b) agoraphobia (c) hemophobia
(7) REPTILES: Experts most commonly describe alligator snouts as being shaped like what letter when compared to crocodiles?
(a) V (b) U (c) W


Scores at end of Round 1:
Ann-Marie 600 Jackson 500 Dana 500 / Ken 600 Muffy 600 Jonathan 500

Round 2: There are 5 subjects and questions. No multiple choice. Only the first player on each team to buzz in gets to answer. Correct answers are worth 200 points for the first 4. The last question is worth 400 points. Wrong answers are penalized by the value of the question. At the end of the round, the person with the lowest score on each team is eliminated.

(1) SAYINGS: What common expression recalls the use of a bird being used to detect toxic gases in underground caverns?
(2) FESTIVALS: In New Orleans, the three official colors of Mardi Gras are purple, gold & what?
(3) PUBLICATIONS: Which popular lifestyle magazine was originally launched as “Fruit, Garden and Home” in 1922?
(4) FOOD BRANDS: What product came about when operators of a California pasta factory experimented with a pilaf recipe from a friend?
(5) FAMOUS QUOTES: Who once said “Ike runs the country and I turn the pork chops”?


Scores at end of Round 2:
Ann-Marie 600 Jackson 900 Dana 100 / Ken 400 Muffy 800 Jonathan 900

Dana and Ken are eliminated.

Round 3: Each team faces off in a rapid-fire 1-minute trivia battle. The first question is worth 500 points and each additional question goes up an additional 100 points. The winners go on to the last round.

Ann-Marie and Jackson go first:

(500) Which celebrity chef’s website is
(600) In a calendar year, what is the first month without a Federal holiday?
(700) What Italian city are you visiting if you cross the Bridge of Sighs into the Doge’s Palace.
(800) While a blacksmith typically works with iron, a whitesmith specializes in what other silvery metal?
(900) Almost four centuries before Columbus, who is considered the first European to set foot in North America?
(1000) Which American, author of more than 160 best-selling romance novels, has been married five times.
(1100) What traditional Austrian dress is composed of a blouse, lederhosen and a skirt.


Scores at end of Round 3:
Ann-Marie 1900 Jackson 2500

Jackson wins $1,000 and advances to the Ultimate Trivia Challenge. But first, Muffy and Jonathan will battle it out for a minute to see who joins Jackson.

(500) What is the northernmost state that touches the Pacific Ocean?
(600) In the female abdomen, what pair of slender ducts transport eggs from the ovary to the uterus?
(700) Appearing in “Honky Tonk” and “Peyton Place”, what film star was famously discovered at a Hollywood malt shop?
(800) What metric unit of weight is equal to about 2.2 pounds?
(900) Invented by Stephanie Kwolek in 1965, what fabric can stop a 9 MM bullet when layered twenty-one times?
(1000) Containing the initials of its namesake and co-founder, what department store chain has the ticker symbol JWN?
(1100) What two-letter term originated from a misspelling of “all correct” and was used as a presidential slogan?
(1200) What seasoning gets its name from Hindi meaning “a mixture of spices ground into a paste”?


Muffy finished with 4400 to Jonathan’s 3100 so Muffy will join Jackson in the Ultimate Trivia Challenge. If Jackson beats Muffy, he will return on the next show. Any player who makes it through 3 shows and wins $30,000, gets to join the Master Minds expert team.

Ultimate Trivia Challenge: The questions are presented to the players at the same time and they write their answers down.

(1) Often mistaken for moss, what composite organism is a symbiotic combination of algae and fungus?
(2) What four-word phrase is inscribed above the main entrance of the U.S. Supreme Court Building?
(3) Who was the first pilot to fly solo from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland?
(4) Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, George Vanderbilt’s epic Biltmore Estate’s located in which state?

ANSWERS: (unless otherwise indicated, both were correct)

By the fourth clue, Jackson got one right to Muffy’s 3 and could not win. Jackson is going home with $1,000 and there will be 3 new players tomorrow.

Master Minds airs daily on Game Show Network. Check your local listings for times. (Here in the Central Time Zone it comes on at 3:00 p.m.)

See the pool of trivia experts participating in Master Minds

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