Final Jeopardy: 20th Century Presidential Elections (7-18-18)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (7/18/2018) in the category “20th Century Presidential Elections” was:

The last election in which both major party candidates were former state governors was in this year

5x champ Ryan Fenster, a student from Washington, augmented his prior $90,198 winnings by $23,600 yesterday. His opponents in this game are: Kyle Adams, a communications manager from Colorado; and Caitlion O’Neill, a vegan cheesemaker from Louisiana.

Round 1 Categories: Historic History From the Past – The Weather – Pun-ishing Clues – Novels – “New” Geography – Film & Hit Song Same Name

Caitlion found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Film & Hit Song” under the $600 clue, with 2 clues left after it. She was in a second place tie with Kyle. They both had $2,200, $600 less than Ryan’s lead. She bet $2,000 and took a last second guess with “National Treasure.” That was WRONG.

Nicolas Cage & Sheryl Crow. show

The round ended there with Ryan in the lead at $2,800. Kyle was second with $2,200 and Caitlion was last with $200.

Round 2 Categories: Socrates, Plato & Aristotle – The OED’s Recent Words – That’s So Random! – A Little Science – New Phone – Who “Dis”?

Caitlion found the first Daily Double in “OED’s Recent Words” under the $1,600 clue on the 12th pick. She was in third place with $2,200 at this point, $4,800 behind Kyle’s lead. She made it a true Daily Double and came up with Spark Notes. That was WRONG.

The name of these yellow & black study guides is used to suggest “a superficial grounding but not real insight” show

3 clues later, Ryan found the last Daily Double in “Socrates, Plato & Aristotle” under the $1,600 clue. In second place with $4,800, he had $2,200 less than Kyle’s lead. He made it a true Daily Double and said “drama.” That was WRONG. He tried to correct himself after Alex said “no” but it didn’t work out this time, unlike the State Capital thingee on 7/3/2018.

Aristotle wrote that for this genre, the plot must “imitate actions arousing fear and pity” show

Kyle finished in the lead with $10,600. Ryan was next with $6,800 and Caitlion was in third place with $5,600.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.

WHAT IS 1980?

That was the year that Ronald Reagan, a former governor of California, defeated incumbent President Jimmy Carter, a former governor of Georgia. Rutgers has a list of Governors Who Became President and both of them are on there. They also have a lot of info on Governors Nominated but Defeated for President. Carter is also in that article by virtue of his defeat in the 1980 election.

Caitlion went with 1992 (Clinton v. H.W.) She lost her $5,598 bet, leaving her with $2.00.

Ryan got it right. His $6,799 bet brought him up to $13,599.

Kyle thought it was 1962 (not a presidential election year). He lost his $3,001 bet, landing him in second place with $7,599. Ryan wins again. His 6x total is $127,397.

Final Jeopardy (7/18/2018) Ryan Fenster, Kyle Adams, Caitlion O'Neill

A triple stumper from each round:

FILM & HIT SONG SAME NAME ($800) Patrick Dempsey & The Beatles

NEW PHONE ($200) One of these for your wireless smartphone is called Qi, a Chinese term for energy

2 years ago: NONE of the players got this FJ in “Communication”

A 1978 Presidential Statement recognized October 4 as a day celebrating this communication system. show

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17 Responses

  1. Becci says:

    VJ. You might not know the answer to my question but I will ask it anyway (just in case).

    How long after a contestant appears on Jeopardy do they get their winnings?

    • VJ says:

      Becci, I don’t know the definitive answer… I’ve read 90 days, 120 days and then, of course, there was Austin Rogers who got paid on the air after his ToC quarter-final on 11/8/2017, roughly a month after his run ended.

      • John B./I. says:

        Which is an improvement. In the very beginning of the show, when you won a lot of money (100 K was a LOT) you got it in annual installments. At least that’s what I read not too long ago in an article about J!!

      • Becci says:

        Thanks VJ. It was Ryan coming back that made me wonder. They list his cumulative total but if he was last on in February (which is probably really December?) I figured he had already received his money?

        • VJ says:

          @Becci, yeah, I think he did. On Tuesday’s show, he told Alex that he left his job as a banker to spend time with friends and family before he goes off to grad school. I took that to mean what he made from his first run enabled him to do that.

  2. Albert says:

    One thing I noticed is the youth in today’s game. I bet a man in his 50s would have gotten the John Landis answer about Animal House. That was simple for me, but not current tech terms.

    • John B./I. says:

      Absolutely agree with everything. Today’s average age must have been the lowest in quite some time.
      Even more remarkable then that Ryan got it. He was not even born in 1980.

      • John Christian Ambion says:

        @John Yeah, Ryan didn’t born in the year Reagan won by a landslide because of his image as a celebrity in the 60s. Why did the middle wrote 1962, even though it is wrong because it’s not an election year? Caitlion thought it was 1992 but it was wrong because George H.W. Bush wasn’t held a gubernatorial position. For Ryan, in the words of Alex Trebek, he was “too young to remember” that election.

        • John B./I. says:

          @John Christian
          Yes, Bush 1 was CIA director but never governor. Bush 2 WAS governor, but he was elected in 11/2000, just before the end of the 20th century, but Gore was VP and a Rep. from TN, but never governor. But 1962 was no Pres. el. year since it was NOT a leap year. Only non leap years where there were Pres. el. were 1800 and 1900, since they were not divisible by 400. American elections 101…..

    • John B./I. says:

      Actually, re: yesterday: Chaplin parodized Hitler,” the little tramp”. Hitler HAD a moustache, Chaplin did NOT in private life. He wore it only in “The Great Dictator” to make fun of Hitler.

  3. Louis says:

    First of all congratulations to Ryan on his sixth win. Second, how did Caitlion not know about cliff’s notes? There are so many subjects covered in that series like algebra, geometry, literature and so forth. Also John and VJ, have you guys ever used cliff’s notes as a reference for school subjects in the past? I am disappointed that none of the daily doubles were nailed today but still Leaving Las Vegas is my favorite movie. Please let me know your favorite scenes from that movie. Caitlion was up and down and had trouble with rhythm. We shall now see if ryan can get to Josh hill’s seven day total.

    • John B./I. says:

      You betcha I used them, “cliff notes” exist even in Austria, called “Schummelzettel” in German ( = cheat notes, lit.) !!!

      • John B./I. says:

        Though you hid them from the teacher. We used them I N school all the time!!!!!
        Plus, as I said: it’s a regular J category. How did she miss that??

    • VJ says:

      @Lou, idk why she didn’t think of that one first. I never used them when I was in school but, of course, I knew about them. I guess in every game, there a miss or two where you’re thinking “I thought everyone knew that.” The other one I thought that about today was the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I didn’t think they even needed to show his picture. Guess he’s not as well known as I thought.

      LINK: 11 more clues from the match

      @John, thanks for the congrats

  4. John B./I. says:

    @ VJ,RT81,JJ & Doris:
    Congratulations! One got it after all and it was Ryan. So congratulations to him as well! He stays at #5 on the ToC list since he still trails Rob by over 6 K with 6 wins each. Whether he knew it offhand, figured it out in time or took an educated or lucky guess, who knows? He got it and won again coming from second place.
    And 1962???? That was no presidential election year. They are ALWAYS in a leap year for the exception of centurial years not divisible by 400 (e.g. 1800,1900, 2100,2200 etc).But I guess we won’t have to worry about the 2100 election (provided the world and the U.S. still exist then) unless some pharma company finds a pill that makes you live 200 years or longer….:):):) 2000 WAS a leap year (Bush 2), so the only 2 Presidents NOT elected in a leap year were Jefferson (1800) and McKinley (1900).
    The DDs were rather easy. The misses at all 3DDs were rather surprising. “Cliff notes” comes up in J regularly as a category and there are only 2 categories of dramas: tragedies and comedies.”Drama” is the collective term for comedies and tragedies. DIdn’t matter in the end though.
    At least we are now 5/9 or 55.55%, better than last week’s 6/15 or 40%. I hope we won’t see 2 “zero” games on Thu and Fri !
    And the ToC clock is still frozen, as long as Ryan keeps winning. No new potential ToC contestant will start playing until Ryan loses and he might go…who knows how far? Summer break is around the corner, so I am 100% sure we will see some 3 game winners in the ToC, Ali, Marty and maybe even Suzanne,Jeffrey and Kate. Scott with his 78K+ seems pretty safe as well as Ali with 67.801. We shall see.
    So congratulations all around and have a nice evening everybody! Enjoy your dinner, I will prepare for lunch now!

    • RT81 says:

      ty John.

      I will say Ryan has not really been that impressive since he been back been in 2nd both days and it took Michelle’s bad wagering ad a miss today to keep him around so be interesting to see how much farther he can go.

  5. Richard Corliss says:

    Oh, yeah! He’s on a roll!