Final Jeopardy: Political Speeches (11-2-20)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (11/2/2020) in the category “Political Speeches” was:

At the 2004 DNC, Barack Obama used a fairly new metaphor, saying, “pundits… slice & dice our country into” these 2 types of states

2x champ, Carmela Chan, a biotech researcher from San Diego, CA, has now won $37,201. In Game 3, she is up against: Garrett Kuramoto, a librarian from Sunnyvale, CA; and Regan Read, an ESL teacher from Gardena, CA.

Round 1 Categories: Rom Coms – The Princess Bride – 27 Dresses – Love, Actually – Failure to Lunch – Sweet Tome Alabama

Regan landed on the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Sweet Home Alabama” under the $1,000 clue, with just the “Bride” and “Dresses” category still on the board. She was in third place with $1,200, $2,800 less than Garrett’s lead. She bet $1,000 and drew a blank so she was WRONG.

This 1959 Tuscumbia set play about a steadfast teacher & a stubborn young girl is the state’s official outdoor drama. show

Carmela finished in the lead with $6,800. Garrett was second with $3,400 and Regan was last with $400. 3 clues worth $1,600 went uncovered.

Round 2 Categories: World Geography – Art Appreciation – Greek Goddesses – Once-Popular First Names – 14-Letter Words – TV Noir

Regan found the first Daily Double in “Once-Popular First Names” under the $1,600 clue on the 4th pick. She was tapped out at zero, $6,800 less than Carmela’s lead. She bet the $1,000 of the $2,000 allowance and she was RIGHT.

Meaning “noble” (remember the Roman social class), this girls’ name was Top 5 in the U.S. in the 1940s. show

Carmela got the last Daily Double in “World Geography” under the $2,000 clue, with a dozen clues left after it. She was in the lead with $12,400 now, $8,200 more than Regan in second place. She bet $5,000 and she was RIGHT.

Azerbaijan’s Baku Archipelago lies within this huge body of water. show

Carmela finished in the lead with $18,200. Garrett was next with $5,800 and Regan was in third place with $3,000. 5 clues worth $2,800 went uncovered in this round.

ALL of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


A 2012 Smithsonian article entitled “When Republicans Were Blue and Democrats Were Red” was just updated today. It says that political color coding maps of the USA began in October 1976. However, “In the beginning, blue was red and red was blue and they changed back and forth from election to election and network to network in what appears, in hindsight, to be a flight of whimsy. The notion that there were ‘red states’ and ‘blue states’—and that the former were Republican and the latter Democratic—wasn’t cemented on the national psyche until the year 2000.” It is also pointed out that a handful of battleground states start out in neutral tones and are considered “purple” until they shift to red or blue.

Here is a link to Barack Obama’s 7/24/2004 speech at the DNC. The part in the clue is in the last half, a little bit after “E pluribus unum. Out of many, one.”

Regan bet $2,995 and brought her score up to $5,995.

Garrett bet $201 for a sure-fire second place finish of $6,001.

Carmela stood pat, having already won the game with $18,200. Her 3-day total is $55,401.

Final Jeopardy (11/2/2020) Carmela Chan, Garrett Kuramoto, Regan Read

A triple stumper from each round:

LOVE, ACTUALLY ($200) This word for altruistic efforts for humanity comes from the Greek for “love of man”

ART APPRECIATION ($2000) In 2014 a dealer paid $80 million for an abstract painting by this Russian American, then sold it for $189 million

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: ALL of the players got this FJ in “Shakespeare”

Aptly, Shakespeare used “moon” & “moonlight” more times in this play than in any other show

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9 Responses

  1. Iris Needleman says:

    Any chance the remaining clues can be uncovered in the 27 dresses category? Is there a website for that?

    • VJ says:

      No, Iris. No one saw the clues, so they can’t put them up somewhere. Jeopardy! just uses them in other games.

  2. rhys Stanton says:

    I tried to watch the 7:30 one, but they showed Wheel of Fortune instead.

    Best wishes VJ, my prayers are with you at this time

  3. Jacob Ska says:

    Carmela congratulations. Hope you make 5 wins.

  4. DC says:

    Sending Best Wishes your way VJ

    • VJ says:

      Thank you, DC, and thanks again, Lou.

      I thought I was going to like that Once-Popular First Names category today, but it wasn’t all that. Good for Regan for pulling up that “Roman” girls name!

      I got a kick out of the Failure to Lunch category.

  5. Lou says:

    Carmela is definitely looking good to win her fourth game and she is automatically qualified for the tournament of champions given her playing style. Regan didn’t have any rhythm going for her but glad this triple solve started the week off strong. By the way, VJ good luck on your procedure.

  6. Richard Corliss says:

    Keep it going Carmela.