Category: Celebs

Frankie Avalon Can So Sing

Did you know that today is Frankie Avalon’s birthday. That’s right, Frankie is 70 years old today, and wasn’t it just yesterday that Joy Behar was getting her Golden Boys...

That’s Not the Mel Robyn Gibson Knows

Even before People popped up yesterday with a report that Robyn Gibson was supporting her soon-to-be ex, Mel Gibson, I was having a conversation with a pal where we recalled...

Lady Gaga’s Skinny Rump

What’s the ‘rump’us over the scantily clad Rolling Stone Cover of Lady Gaga? Oh, just the headlines claiming she is nude, but she’s not nude at all CLICK HERE TO...

Angelina Just ‘Too White’

The complaint that the Queen of the Nile wasn’t white continues its rise as the number one reason not to cast Angelina Jolie in the role of Cleopatra in the...

Still Casting Cleo and Marc Antony

Okay forget 50 Cent. For that matter, forget Angelina and Brad and Beyonce. We found some new hotties to be Cleopatra and Marc Antony. We’re going all international about it,...

January Jones

January Jones Thinks Bobby Flay is 911

“Mad Men” actress, January Jones, apparently thinks that TV chef Bobby Flay is the guy to call when you are in an accident. TMZ reports that after January crashed her...

Casting Marc Antony: 50 Cent? Vin Diesel?

Angelina Jolie, according to USA Today, has the role of Cleopatra in the bag in an upcoming movie based on Stacy Schiff’s book: “Cleopatra: A Life.” And her honey, Brad...

Gary Coleman Will Online

TMZ has obtained and posted a copy of the 1999 Will appointing Dion Mial executor of Gary’s estate, directing his “personal representative” to allow no members of the press at...

Gary Coleman’s Real Will Surfaces

Contrary to earlier reports, Gary Coleman’s parents will not be petitioning the Probate Court or fighting with Shannon Price over where to bury the actor. A Salt Lake City attorney,...

Justin Bieber’s Potty Mouth

Rumor has it that teen heartthrob, Justin Bieber, got upset when the production manager on Australian morning chat show “Sunrise” was showing Justin the way to the stage floor. The...