Final Jeopardy: 3-5 to 3-9-18

Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of March 5 through March 9, 2018.

Mon, March 5 – Correct answers: 2s
OSCAR HISTORY: In the 1940s he became the first person to receive nominations as actor, director & writer for the same film show

Tue, March 6 – Correct answers: 2
CLASSIC BRITISH NOVELS: A preface to this novel calls it “a loud hee-haw at all who yearn for Utopia…& a pretty good fable in the Aesop tradition” show

Wed, March 7 – Correct answers: 1
COUNTRIES OF THE U.N.: The 3 U.N. member states that begin with the letter “J”; 2 are island nations & one is nearly landlocked show

Thu, March 8 – Correct answers: 3
BESTSELLING NOVELS: This 1990 novel made into a blockbuster film says the Hammond Foundation “has spent $17 million on amber” show

Fri, March 9 – Correct answers: 2
BIG BUSINESS: Bill Fernandez, who in 1971 introduced to each other the 2 founders of this Calif. co., became its first full-time employee in 1977 show

Everyone got Thursday’s clue this week in a week of fairly easy clues. The one hard clue was on Wednesday, mainly because it was a lot to write out unless you knew it right off the bat. So we ought to take back the word “fairly.” The cluewriters need to give the players some thinking time on these clues, with enough seconds left over to write everything out. They should have narrowed that clue down to two, like “the last 2 alphabetically” or something.

Jeopardy! champs for the week of February 26, 2018

Returning champ, Matt Lisiecki won Monday’s game, giving him a 2-day total of $34,551. He lost on Tuesday to Jack Rice. On Wednesday, Lane Flynn took over when he nailed that tough clue. Lane hung in for one more game and a 2-day total of $38,399 but he had to turn over the reins to Mark Ashton. There were no payouts exceeding $32,800 this week, so the Top 10 Payouts of the Season list remains the same.

Jeopardy! put this video of its March 8th online test up on youtube. They didn’t include the answers. 😀


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