Tagged: william

Princess of Cambridge Arrives

UPDATE: The royal baby’s name has been released. She is Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge, named after her grandfather, great-grandmother and grandmother, all on the paternal side. Prince Charles...

W. C. Fields Movie Quotes

It’s a little hard to quote characters played by W. C. Fields without at least giving the preceding line or two, so we’re not even going to try. Here are...

Mr. Spock’s Illogical Song

Jeopardy had a clue about Star Trek’s Spock over 10 years ago on May 30, 2003 in the category FEELING “ILL” valued at $600: “Spock knows it means something that...

William Forsythe in The Mob Doctor

As all of us Boardwalk Empire fanatics know, William Forsythe has been playing Manny Horvitz in HBO’s saga of the life and times of Nucky Johnson in Atlantic City. The...