Final Jeopardy: Space Exploration (11-18-15)
The Final Jeopardy question (11/18/2015) in the category “Space Exploration” was: The first man to travel into space began his journey on that fateful day in what is today this...
The Final Jeopardy question (11/18/2015) in the category “Space Exploration” was: The first man to travel into space began his journey on that fateful day in what is today this...
The Final Jeopardy question (11/11/2015) in the category “Abbreviations” was: Its meaning as an individual product dates to 1977; its meaning as conforming to orthodox opinion dates to 1986. The...
Matt Jackson, John Schulz and Jennifer Giles are the players in the third quarter-final match of the 2015 Tournament of Champions. Matt Jackson used his quiz bowl skillz to stampede...
Only ONE MORE WEEK before the 2015 Tournament of Champions begins! We have already looked at various aspects of the players’ stats. Now let’s take a look at what players...
So far we have looked at the number of triple stumpers for champs with at least 7 games, and the number of correct Final Jeopardy answers for all champs. In...
Here is a list of the players we believe are going to be to be in the upcoming Tournament of Champions* showing how many Final Jeopardy questions they got correct...
The Final Jeopardy question (10/16/2015) in the category “Baseball Teams” was: When translated, the full name of this Major League baseball team gets you a double redundancy. New champ Josh...
Let’s get ready for the TOC by looking at some of the players’ statistics, starting with Triple Stumpers. Now that Matt Jackson is going to be in Jeopardy’s 2015 Tournament...
Today’s Final Jeopardy question (10/14/2015) in the category “U.S. Landmarks” was: For its 50th anniv. In 2012, the roof of this landmark was temporarily repainted its original color, Galaxy Gold....
The Final Jeopardy question (10/13/2015) in the category “Modern American Poetry” was: A critic said this 1956 poem was “a tirade… against those who do not share the poet’s… sexual...
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