Tagged: jamie

Beat Shazam Recap: July 24, 2018

Beat Shazam was back on 7/24/2018 with Jamie Foxx and his daughter Corinne, after a week off. Here are this week’s contestants: KC: Monica & Amber, best friends from Kansas...

Beat Shazam Recap: July 10, 2018

After a week off, Beat Shazam returned on 7/10/2018 with Jamie Foxx and his daughter Corinne. Here are this week’s contestants: PA: Zack & Jessica, husband & wife, living out...

Beat Shazam Recap: June 26, 2018

Jamie Foxx and his daughter Corinne were back on 6/26/2018 for another rockin’ episode of Beat Shazam. The contestants were all couples and we are going by their state abbreviations...

Beat Shazam Recap: June 19, 2018

Jamie Foxx opened up the 6/19/2018 episode of Beat Shazam talking about how his 9-year old daughter knows all the songs. His 24-year-old daughter, Corinne, introduced the contestants: J&M: Julie...

Beat Shazam Recap: June 12, 2018

The 6/12/2018 episode of Beat Shazam featured 3 new teams competing for that life-changing chance to try to Beat Shazam and win a cool million. Host Jamie Foxx opened the...

Beat Shazam Recap: June 5, 2018

The second episode of Beat Shazam’s Season 2 featured Jamie Foxx as the “world-renowned NBA analyst, Cleveland A. Smith, brother of Stephen A. Smith.” This was a tribute to the...