Supporting Cast: Pimp’s Paradise – Shameless
Here are some of the guest stars in the 7th episode of Season 6 of Shameless (2/21/16). The episode title came from a line of Carl’s dialogue that we’ll get to later.

Giorgia Whigham, as Toria, saves Lip (Jeremy Allen White) from having to move back home
Giorgia Whigham played Toria. She said that’s her instagram handle. She works with Mrs. Taylor, (played by Francesca P. Roberts), who informed Lip that he had to move out of the dorm immediately. Luckily, Toria knew about a job at a sorority house that included a free room.

Nigel Gibbs and Pasean Wilson as Caleb’s parents, Pastor Daniels and Ronetta Daniels
Ian was a little taken aback when he met Caleb’s parents and learned that Caleb’s father (played by Nigel Gibbs) was a minister. Ian had to admit that he wasn’t a church-going kind of guy to the first question asked. Caleb’s mother (Pasean Wilson) told Ian he was welcome at their church anytime. We’re not even sure Caleb goes to their church.

David Futernick as Mr. Schwiebert and Arianna Ortiz as Principal Colon
Mr. Schwiebert (David Futernick) was Chuckie’s teacher and Arianna Ortiz was the principal of Chuckie’s school. Not only did Frank get these two Chuckie suspenders to let the kid back in school, they also permitted him to present his book report on Mein Kampf to the class without even bothering to correct Chuckie’s contention that Hitler was American.
Here’s what happens at Patsy’s diner when you try to skip out on a meal. You get tackled and ordered to pay your tab plus a $5.00 tip.
This was the dialogue between Carl and the two kids that already knew about the party he was planning. The translations shown on the screen are in parentheses and italics:
Homie 1: Wassup, my dude? How you feeling? (Hi there, my only white friend)
Carl: Hey, wassup? Chillin’ (I’m cool)
Homie 1: Word on the yard is, we all bouncing’ after fourth period and postin’ up at yo’ crib. (Are we cutting class to drink alcohol and use illegal drugs at your house?)
Carl No doubt. (That’s correct))
Homie 2: Yo, I heard you got that recording studio and what not. You gonna let your boy get up on the mic (Will you let me try some hip hop lyricism?)
Homie 1: You can’t spit, dogg. (You’re an incompetent rap lyricist.)
Homie 2: Shut up, dude. I got some bars. (Poppycock, I’m good.)
Carl: Yeah, no worries, I got you on the mic. I also got that puff puff pass for that ass too. But y’all got to bring some homies through. Place gon’ be bumpin’. Like a pimp’s paradise. (You can use the mic. I also have marijuana. Please tell your friends. Party’s gonna be great.)
Homie 1: That’s what up. Catch you later, fam. (Yes, see you soon, my only white friend.)
Finally, is there no end to Svetlana’s talents? She pulled Tommy’s tooth in this episode.
Also in Pimp’s Paradise
Emmy Rossum – Fiona Gallagher
Cameron Monaghan – Ian Gallagher
Emma Kenney – Debbie Gallagher
Carl Gallagher – Ethan Cutkowsky
Brandon & Brenden Sims – Liam Gallagher
Dermot Mulroney – Sean Pierce
Isidora Goreshter – Svetlana
Sherilyn Fenn – Queenie Slott
Kellen Michael – Chuckie Slott
Ever Carradine – Erica Wexler
Jeff Pierre – Caleb
Jim Hoffmaster – Kermit
Michael Patrick McGill – Tommy
Rebecca Metz – Melinda
LaShawn Banks – Francisco Lozada
Judah Bellamy – Khalil
Gabrielle Current – Sorority girl
Dominic Daniel – Doug
Lynette Dupree – Aunt Francine
Stacie Greenwell – Olga
Krystal Harris – Carmen
Peyton Elizabeth Lee – Girl Soldier
Liam – Brandon and Brenden Sims
Annie Sertich – Sorority Matron
Tahj Wilson – J-Dubb
Eunice Woods – Maribel Lozada
Cuete Yeska – Pedro
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