Shameless Recap: We Band of Gallaghers (Season 10 Premiere)

Season 10 of Shameless opened at the Gallaghers and the first glimpse we got of Frank was on the floor by the washer and dryer. Debbie was dumping stuff down the laundry chute and he had to duck out of the way. Down came a bottle of not quite empty Mi Amigo Tequila. Of course, Frank opened it and took a sniff. Then he took a big swig.

WIlliam H. Macy in Shameless Season 10 Premiere

Frank couldn’t get any Oxy from the E.R. doctor so he went to a drugstore and waited until an elderly woman got her prescription refilled, then he robbed her! Turning a corner as he ran away, he tripped over a wheelchair that Mikey O’Shea, his fellow degenerate and Hobo Games competitor, was occupying, impersonating an amputee. Frank was super impressed when he found out that there was nothing wrong with Mikey’s legs. Predictably, Frank took Mikey home and we can expect the two of them to engage in a lot more scams that will likely be worse than ripping off old ladies.

I deserve to feel special ~ Debbie Gallagher

Debbie has got a busload of designer clothing in a storage unit that she has inventoried so that she can wear it and return it. But where do we think she is getting the dough to buy all that stuff to begin with? Just that one Herve Leger dress she was flaunting goes for over a grand. Amusingly, Debbie told Frank that Fiona put her in charge of the $50,000 she left the family “because she knows I’m the only Gallagher that wouldn’t waste it on frivolous, stupid things.” You don’t need a crystal ball to see that this project is not going to end well. Meantime, the expensive perfumes she’s been using and the Victoria’s Secret undergarment peeking out of her Carhartts have not gone unnoticed by Farhad.

What do you think of Chukwuemeka? ~ Liam Gallagher

Liam is back home but still heavy into exploring his African heritage. He wants to “ditch” his slave name and he’s going around in a dashiki with a Frederick Douglass hairdo. Unfortunately for him, this makes him a target for the homeboys at school. They called him “African booty scratcher,” dashiki boy and Mufasa and beat him up.

Yo, V, do we have any turmeric? ~ Kevin Ball

Kev has been trying to play basketball with the guys but no one will pass him the ball. One dude takes pity on Kev and then is mortified when Kev messes up. V and the Alibi regulars tell him to accept that he’s getting old but Kev is sure it’s because he needs to boost his “manly Mojo” and he mixes up a disgusting looking concoction in the blender. After his experience at school, Liam wondered if he could have some. Kev also decided that he needs a pair of $350.00 LeBron XVI basketball shoes. Vi said it wasn’t in their budget so he had to go make his own money, dancing at a gay nightclub on Daddy Night. Kev got the new kicks but they did nothing to improve his basketball game.

Tami, Tami, you won’t believe it. He’s so beautiful. ~ Lip Gallagher

Speaking of Daddy Night, Lip became a father. Tami went into labor at work and was evidently ahead of schedule. They had to perform an emergency Cesarean. The baby was fine but Tami was not. She began hemorrhaging and was rushed into surgery. Whether she will be all right was left up in the air. All the Gallaghers made it to the hospital to meet the newest member of the clan, except Ian and Fiona. Fiona did call Debbie and found out but Ian is still in jail and doesn’t know yet.

The army would be lucky to have you ~ Kelly

That’s what Carl’s girlfriend told him after he graduated from military school because she did not hear what General Powell had to say when he handed Carl his diploma: “I never, ever want to see your face again, not on my campus, not in my town, my state, and not ever in my army.” Powell went so far as to inform the Pentagon. Carl had just spent six weeks in the brig for beating up 8 cadets with “a bar of soap, a bottle of conditioner and a flip-flop” after they jumped Corporal Charlie Miller. Carl did not know that Miller wanted to be a girl. He thought “trans” meant Charlie was transferring in from another school. As for the rest of Carl’s stuff, we fast-forwarded through it. So tired of the nymphos Carl and Lip get involved with.

It really does appear that this will be the last season of Shameless based upon the fact that they have already dumped 10 episode synopses on IMDB. That means you can find out if Tami makes it and the baby’s name, if you are so inclined.

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