Ray Donovan Recap: Baby

Ray managed to get away from Rad and Danny Bianchi in “Baby” (Ray Donovan, S6 E10 12-30-18), but they took a hostage who Ray cares for much more than himself. There were a whole lot of “I’m sorry’s” being thrown around in this episode.

Meet me at the Cheyenne Diner ~ Ray Donovan

When we left Ray last week, he was about to get an uber beating from Rad on the first floor in the hall by the door. Now, Ray was somewhere he could jump out the window to get away. Looking worse than Bunchy after the two fights in The Eliminator, Ray stumbled into a diner and asked the counter lady to let him use the restroom. He poured a lot of sugar on his chest wound, cleaned himself up a bit and called Sam, arranging to meet at the diner so he could give her the USB drive with Feratti’s instructions to kill Judge Scholl. She thanked him and Ray staggered home. There he was confronted by Mickey.

Why’d you try to lock me up again? ~ Mickey Donovan

Pointing a gun at his son, Mickey wanted to know why Ray turned on him every chance he got. Ray told him to shoot if that’s what he was gonna do. Mickey demanded the $3 million ransom money and, right then, Ray collapsed at his feet. He came to in his bed, bandaged up a bit better. When he told Mickey that he gave the ransom money back, the wind went right out of Mickey’s sails. Mickey asked Ray to imagine being locked up for 20 years with no comforts of any kind and Ray said he was sorry. Utterly astonished, Mickey said “Since when?” Hilariously, Ray said “Since a long time,” forgetting how he just told the FBI agent, the day he was with Mayor Feratti, that he didn’t care what they did with his father.

Make sure they get what they want and I’ll make sure she stays safe ~ Mac McGrath

Mickey still wanted Ray to help him but Smitty called right then to say that Bridget had disappeared, leaving her cell phone and bag behind. Ray got up and started dressing and Mac called to say Bridget was with him, advising Ray not to release the recording and to give it back to Rad and Bianchi. Ray said he would and asked Mac to let him talk to Bridget but Mac just hung up. Rad and Big Al hustled Bridget into the basement where Mac was. She recognized Mac but was bound and gagged and told to shut up. Mac told her to try to stay calm and relax, “This will be over soon,” he said.

You’re smarter than these guys. You know what to do ~ Mickey Donovan

Ray went to Sam and she gave him the drive back upon learning that Bridget was in mortal danger. Ray called Mac, expecting to be able to trade the drive for Bridget, but Mac said it could have been copied and they were keeping Bridget till “everything’s over” (i.e,, Feratti is reelected). Ray was livid! Mickey told him to stop and think: “This is war, Raymond. They take one of yours. You take one of theirs.” Ray called Daryll and told him to pick up Smitty and meet him at the Staten Island bar. Those 2 and Mickey waited inside O’Donoghue’s for a text from Ray.

While he waited for “one of theirs” to show up, Ray got a call from Terry, informing him that the FBI showed up and arrested Bunchy. Obviously, Feratti gave Bunchy up. Ray said he was sorry… he was sorry about everything. Then he got a call from Sam Winslow (who did make a copy of the drive), informing him that she had to give the story to her reporter at the Tribune. She lied and said she tried to find another way. Ruthless Sam intended to win the mayoral election whether it cost Bridget her life or not. She already told Anita Novak that the election was hers but she was going to be Sam’s puppet.

When Danny Bianchi strolled into the bar, Mickey engaged him in chit chat and then sucker punched him. Daryll and Smitty quickly incapacitated Bianchi and dragged him out while Mick held the bar patrons at bay with his gun. They took Bianchi to a vacant field where Mickey beat the dickens out of him. Still, he would not give up Bridget’s location until Ray told him that after Mickey killed him, Ray would kill his wife and anyone else he got his hands on. Ray told Smitty to put Bianchi in his trunk and drive him to Aunt Sandy’s.

Jerry Orbach’s dead. Remember him from Law & Order? ~ Mac McGrath

Left to guard Bridget, Mac took her gag off and put “Dirty Dancing” on to take their minds off things. When she saw a chance, she began screaming for help. He smacked her hard across the face. When she asked him to turn the movie off because it brought back memories of watching it with her mother, he put the gag back on her. He said he was sorry about Abby and he was sorry he hit her. Mostly, it seemed, he was sorry for himself.

In the wrap up, Sam read Melinda Getkin’s pending article titled “Mayor Feratti Places Hit on Judge.” She hit the “approved” button and sat there with that “cat that ate the canary” look we saw before in Season 5.

Ray and Mickey went to the Staten Island address, where Mickey killed Big Al before Big Al could kill Ray. In the basement, “Dirty Dancing” was almost over and the only sign that Bridget had been there was her necklace lying on the floor.

Shocking indeed! We thought that Ray would rescue Bridget and now there are only 2 more episodes left. If you paused the show to try to read the Tribune article, it said that the Tribune contacted Feratti’s office several times for a comment to no avail. We don’t want to speculate on Bridget’s fate now that the cat is out of the bag, but we’re pretty sure that whatever happens, Sam Winslow and Mac McGrath are going to be answering to Ray for their parts in this ordeal.

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