Piers Morgan Calls Phylicia Rashad Cosby Defense Reprehensible

Phylicia Rashad recently came out in defense of Bill Cosby, claiming that the women alleging that Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted them are part of an orchestrated attempt to bring down the comedian’s valuable legacy. Initially, it was reported that Rashad said “forget these women”. Quite a bit of quibbling over the context of those three words ensued. Rashad said she was misquoted by Showbiz411 columnist Roger Friedman. He said he didn’t misquote her, but the context was taken the wrong way.

What she said, from her own words, in the above video is that the matter is not about the women, it’s about Bill Cosby’s legacy. So, apparently, the context is not “these women are not important”, it’s “these women are not as important as Bill Cosby’s legacy.”

Yesterday (1/8/15), Piers Morgan appeared on The Meredith Vieira Show and was so negative about Cosby and Phylicia Rashad’s defense of Cosby, that Vieira felt the need to caution him to be careful.

“Most of these women have no connection to each other and yet they are describing exactly the same pattern of abuse and when that happens, most police will tell you, you know, it’s not just smoke without fire, there has been abuse,” Morgan said and Vieira worried that such assertions should be tempered because nothing has been proven.

Morgan told Vieira SHE has to be careful. HE doesn’t. “I don’t feel the need to be careful. I think if Bill Cosby, who is America’s dad– this was his image. This is a man who lectured his own black community in America many times about their behavior, young black men in America about their behavior towards women. He is now being leveled with these incredibly serious charges. Go to camera, look that camera down, talk to America in the way you have many times before and go through these charges.” He said that he finds the trashing of the accusers from people like Phylicia Rashad to be reprehensible. Morgan believes that Cosby will never address the accusers publicly because his attorneys are advising him not to.

An article in “The Root” by defense attorney Eric Guster explains why Cosby won’t sue for defamation: “If Cosby sued, it would open him up to accusers’ counterclaims against him. He’d be subjected to depositions and required to give sworn testimony about the allegations in the counterclaimants’ efforts to discredit his lawsuit.”

That was back in November and Guster said he was betting Cosby would not sue for defamation and so far he’s winning that bet. But Cosby did make an allusion to the accusations in his stand-up act on January 8, 2015 in Canada. When a woman got up to go get a drink at his London, Ontario show, Cosby joked “…you have to be careful drinking around me.”

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Piers Morgan is right that people are free to form their own opinions about the allegations in this matter, and that applies to his legacy as well. The thing is even if Cosby did manage to discredit every single one of his accusers, there are still going to be people who think he’s guilty. Even if something comes up that proved that just one of the accusers was telling the truth (and we’re not even counting the lie detector test one of them passed), there will still be people who are on Cosby’s side.


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1 Response

  1. carolineredbrook says:

    Piers Morgan is to be highly commended as alleged sexual predators like Bill Cosby and accused pedophiles like Sylvain Kustyan, Jerry Sandusky, etc. must be apprehended before they have decades to prey upon our women and children. Sandusky is safely behind bars. But unfortunately, Sylvain Kustyan, who has been formally charged with two counts of 1st Degree Sodomy of a ten-year-old little boy, fled to avoid imminent arrest. Kustyan, formerly of Tuscaloosa, Alabama and Hermin/ Mazingarbe, France, is now a fugitive from the law. Victims of Child Sexual Abuse often suffer lifelong physical problems as well as the psychological and emotional trauma from their horrifying experiences. Male victims have 3x’s the heart attack risk and 10x’s the suicide rate. Since the average pedophile has 300 different victims in their lifetime and since the recidivism rate among pedophiles is virtually 100% they must be stopped ASAP!