Naked Randy Travis Threatens Texas Peace Officers

Looks like Randy Travis didn’t learn his lesson after his arrest last February for public intoxication. The 53-year-old country singer and actor was arrested again in Grayson County, TX after someone saw a man lying in the road and reported it to the police.

When the officers showed up, they found all 5 feet 9 inches of the Grammy award winner lying buck nekkid in the road. The officers arrested him for DWI this time. He had crashed his Trans Am and was a bit banged up from the accident. On the way to the police station, Travis went and made it worse, uttering threats against the police that he would shoot them and kill them. This resulted in additional charges of “retaliation” and “obstruction.”

Randy apologized publicly after the February 2012 incident saying that he was committed to being accountable and responsible for his actions. But apparently, that incident was not a big enough wake up call. Hopefully, this time will be. The consequences will undoubtedly include court-ordered treatment for substance abuse.


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