Final Jeopardy Clues: 6-28 to 7-2-21

Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of June 28th through July 2, 2021:

Mon, June 28 – Correct answers: 1
MONARCHIES: The future Charles I suddenly became next in line to the throne of Austria in this year show

Tue, June 29 – Correct answers: 1
COLORS & HISTORY: A blue pigment & a shade of blue popular in shirts are named for these, the 2 opposing nations in an 1870-71 war show

Wed, June 30 – Correct answers: 1
20th CENTURY NOVELS: British biochemist J.B.S. Haldane’s essay on ectogenesis, birth outside the womb, helped inspire this 1932 novel show

Thu, July 1 – Correct answers: 0
RIVERS: In “Notes on the State of Virginia”, Thomas Jefferson said the most beautiful river on earth is this one no longer in Virginia show

Fri, July 2 – Correct answers: 0
HIT SONGS: Written in 1930, this song was a No. 1 hit in 1960 & was covered by The Band to support a 1976 presidential candidate show

What a tough week for FJ’s. Only one correct answer for the first three days of the week and none on the last two. I believe most would agree that Thursday’s FJ! about “Rivers” was the week’s hardest. None of the others were particularly difficult for me, but Tuesday’s “Colors & History” was the one I had to give the least amount of thought to.

Jeopardy! champs, week of June 28, 2021

Austin Weiss returned on Monday and lost his second game to Courtney Shah. Courtney won every game for the rest of the week. She was the only one to get FJ! in the three games where anyone got it. Her best payout was on Tuesday. By Friday, she had a 5-day total of $79,258.

From Jeopardy!’s YouTube channel: Here is the James Beard Chef of the Year category from Monday’s game:


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