Final Jeopardy Clues: 11-18 to 11-22-24

Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of November 18 through 22, 2024.

Click on the dates to see the recap for each game.

Mon, Nov 18 – Correct answers: 1
AMERICAN WOMEN: In 1900 she told a Mr. Dobson, “Get out of the way. I don’t want to strike you, but I am going to break up this den of vice” show

Tue, Nov 19 – Correct answers: 1
SPORTS & THE CITY: At 800 West Main & 700 Central in this city are a company & a venue both involved in Triple Crowns show

Wed, Nov 20 – Correct answers: 0
FIGURES OF MYTH: Ovid says he “toppled, beating wild with naked arms the unsustaining air… shrieking for succour from his sire” show

Thu, Nov 21 – Correct answers: 1
INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITIES: Following student unrest in 1968, in 1970 the university of this city was divided into 13 smaller ones show

Fri, Nov 22 – Correct answers: 2
MOVIES & PSYCHOLOGY: In this film Paula Alquist tells Gregory Anton, “Have you gone mad, my husband? Or is it I who am mad?” show

It was indeed a strange week in the Final Jeopardy! round. The hardest clue of the week was Thursday’s. There were quite a lot of protests in 1968, so it wasn’t that big of a surprise that only one person got that clue right. The easiest was Friday’s. If you ask me, all the other clues were easy yet one was a triple stumper and there was only one correct response for the other two!

This week’s winners:
Mon 11/18/24 $21,099 Paul Clauson
Tue 11/19/24 $18,200 Mikey McCullough
Wed 11/20/24 $9,799  Mehal Shah
Thu 11/21/24 $36,263 Mehal Shah
Fri 11/22/24 $29,000 Adam Hersh

Returning champ Paul Clauson won another game on Monday. He was defeated by Mikey McCullough on Tuesday and she lost to Mehal Shah the next day. Mehal scored a big payday on Thursday, but he lost to Adam Hersh on Friday.

Jeopardy!’s total payout for the week was $114,361 in winnings plus $25,000 in consolation prizes.

Here is the ZOOLOGY GLOSSARY category from Friday’s game.

More videos on Jeopardy!’s YouTube channel

Final Jeopardy Clues: 11-11 to 11-15-24


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