Final Jeopardy: U.S. Senate History (9-29-23)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (9/29/2023) in the category “U.S. Senate History” was:

In 1805, after 4 years presiding over the Senate, he left the chamber, calling it “a sanctuary; a citadel of law, of order”

In the last game of this week’s Second Chance Tournament, Michalle Gould, ($21,400); Jilana Cotter, ($29,200); and Barb Fecteau, ($6,400). The amounts after their names will be added to today’s final scores to determine the grand prize winner.

Round 1 Categories: The Ship of State – Weird Al Parodies – That’s a Vegas Casino – Chemical Formulas – Back to School – Words that End with “E”

Jilana found the first Daily Double in “The Ship of State” under the $800 clue with 11 clues left after it. She was in second place with $3,800, $400 less than Barb’s lead. Jilana bet $2,200 and she was RIGHT.

In the 1860s a paddle-wheeler named this plied the waters of the same named river around Fort Yuma show

Jilana finished in the lead with $5,800. Barb was second with $5,600 and Michalle was last with $4,600. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Cow Country – Facts about the Best Picture Winner – The Vikings – Poems about Poetry – Furniture – Complete the Oxymoron

Barb found the first Daily Double in “Best Picture Winner” under the $2,000 clue on the 13th pick of the round. She was in last place with $7,200, $3,000 less than Jilana and Michalle’s tied lead. Barb made it a true Daily Double and came up with “The Whale” at the last second, but that was WRONG.

Doug Jones said the latex rubber suit he wore in this film acted “as a sponge” show

Jilana got the last Daily Double in “Furniture” under the $800 clue with 6 clues left after it. She was in the lead with $11,400, $1,200 more than Michaelle in second place. Jilana bet $3,000 and she was RIGHT.

This name was once used for a divan introduced to Europe from Turkey; today it’s a low footstool show

Jilana finished in the lead with $16,400. Michalle was second with $11,000 and Barb was last with $7,600. All clues were shown.

NONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


On, “Indicted Vice President Bids Senate Farewell” recounts how Aaron Burr defeated Alexander Hamilton’s father-in-law for a Senate seat in 1971, which likely was the genesis of the animosity between the two men. In 1801, Burr became Thomas Jefferson’s Vice-President and, as such, presided over the Senate for two terms. Meantime, hostilities between Burr and Hamilton escalated and boiled over in July 1804 in a duel that took place in Weehawken, NJ. It resulted in Hamilton’s death and Burr’s indictment for murder in New York and New Jersey. Neither state took Burr to trial and he continued as the country’s Vice President and President of the Senate.

In March 1805, after presiding over the impeachment trial of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase, Burr delivered his farewell remarks to the Senate, (including the quote in today’s FJ! clue). After the full text of his speech, the Senate’s article concludes: “As Burr walked from the chamber, his promising career in ruins, members spontaneously began to weep. No one present ever forgot the scene.”

Barb wrote down Richard Todd. She didn’t bet anything so she had $7,600 to add to yesterday’s $6,400. Barb finished with $14,000.

Michalle thought it was Jefferson. That cost her a big $10,000, leaving $300 to add to yesterday’s $21,400. Michalle finished with $21,700.

Jilana chose James Madison. She lost $2,201, leaving $14,199 to add to yesterday’s $29,200. That added up to the winning total of $43,399. As in the past 2 weeks, Jilana actually won $35,000 and a spot in the Champions Wildcard tournament. Michalle won $20,000 and Barb won $10,000.

Final Jeopardy (9/29/2023) Michalle Gould, Jilana Cotter, Barb Fecteau

2 triple stumpers from the last round:

COW COUNTRY ($1600) There are both red & black varieties of this breed developed in Scotland

FURNITURE ($2000) Seen here (image) is a set from this Scottish-born furniture maker who was a leading exponent of the neoclassical style

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: BOTH of the players left got this FJ in “History of the 19-Teens”

Saying he ignored warnings of enemy vessels, the British Admiralty sought to blame William Turner, this ship’s last captain in 1915 show


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13 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    I got FJ. I thought, “Who is most ironic?”

    Happy that Jilana won. Barb just rubbed me quite the wrong way. Yet, they just get into the next tournament! No easy way.

  2. Richard Walls Corliss says:

    If Michalle wagered everything and was correct, she would have won by $1.

  3. VJ says:

    I’m not sure what to make of the FJ answers. I mean, you have to know Jefferson was President in 1804. Louisiana Purchase, anyone?

    • Jacob Ska says:

      What baffled me about the Jefferson response is a President presiding over the Senate for 4 years would be highly unusual. I’m sure she knew Aaron Burr was the VP under Jefferson or perhaps she couldn’t remember.

    • Richard Walls Corliss says:

      VJ, have you forgotten to post the Celebrity Jeopardy! recap?

  4. Ismael Gomez says:

    That was a tough final as we end the month with a triple stumper.

  5. Kevin Cheng says:

    We wound up with our first triple stumper of the season. When was the last time that we had a triple stumper in FJ!