Final Jeopardy: American History (8-18-20)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (8/18/2020) in the category “American History” was:

A 1711 bill cleared the names of 22 people who were tried in this town, including Rebecca Nurse, Giles Corey & John Proctor

Today’s show is a rerun of the second quarter-final of the 2020 College Championship that originally aired on 4/7/2020. The players are: Sophie Casarico, Kayla Kalhor and Nathaniel Miller

Click here for the original recap of this game.

Here are the triple stumpers from the second 2014 College Championship quarter-final, if you want to compare games.

HARD TO DEFINE ($200) In March 2014 NYC’s 92nd Street Y will use a 7-day program to define this (our try: a creatively brilliant person)

($1000) Clara Bow starred in a 1927 film whose title was this pronoun— hard to define, but basically sex appeal

SOLVE FOR X ($800) (X – 5)2 = 81; X can be 14 or this number show

JUST A WORD BEFORE GOING ($600) 4-letter word for a speck of dust, perhaps in your eye

HA HA ($800) An audience convulsed in laughter is “rolling in” these

RHYME TIME ($2000) Fun, little-known facts about a landlocked country in South America

“S”PORTS TALK ($1600) To take a tennis match 6-1, 6-2 is to “win in” these

($2000) Broadcaster Eddie Doucette coined this term for Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s trademark arcing shot

19th CENTURY BOOKS & AUTHORS ($1600) Before “Downton Abbey”, there was this, the shortest of Jane Austen’s 6 major novels

OCCUPATIONS ($1600) A deaccelerator is a piece of equipment for this film & TV “man” or “woman”

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2 Responses

  1. JP says:

    I got a kick out of reading the “Little Women” thread from the 2014 recap.