Final Jeopardy: Geography (4-7-23)

Here are some more clues from the 4/7/2023 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

NORWAY IS FAMOUS FOR… ($800) its great dramatist Henrik Ibsen & for this composer whom Ibsen asked to write music for his play “Peer Gynt”

YOU TOTALLY RULED! ($2000) A true “Undercover Boss” in Zaandam in 1697, Peter the Great was Pyotr Mikhaylov, learning shipbuilding at this trading company

LIFE & DEATH IN LITERARY TITLES ($1600) In Willa Cather’s “Death Comes for the Archbishop”, Father Jean Marie Latour serves in this southwest U.S. state capital

THE SECRET OF ACRONYM ($2000) ENSO stands for El Niño–Southern this fluctuation

ANIMALISTIC WORDS ($1600) Now applied mostly to noses, this adjective means curved like the beak of an eagle

($2000) Used to describe giraffes & big snakes, it means having net-like markings

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

Sneak Peek clues — GOOD “E”
($200) Meaning concerned with moral principles, this word is used to describe a type of veganism
($400) The Las Vegas Raiders are known for their ‘commitment to” this 10-letter word– in fact, it’s their motto
($600) Seen here is Bernini’s sculpture called “this” of Saint Teresa
($800) This word from Greek can refer to a perfect model of how to act or be, or to a summary of a literary work
($1000) Also a type of apartment, it’s the competent quality by which you carry out your job


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19 Responses

  1. Jacob Ska says:

    I agree with Howard and Albert about Brian. Why provide more information than requested? Evidently, he never watched Matt Amodio play. Matt’s “K.I.S.S.” approach garnered him big wins and a hefty check. Providing too much information can be dangerous.

  2. Albert says:

    Does anybody else think that Ken Jennings would look better if he had both buttons buttoned on his suit jacket when he walks out onto the stage? Ken would look, imo, a little more polished and sharp if both buttons were buttoned.

    • VJ says:

      Probably not, Albert. It’s very doubtful that Ken’s buttons made the list of things complainers look for to gripe about on Jeopardy!

  3. Albert says:

    Brian got cocky and lost money by saying the first names of the composers, while Brian should have just said the composers’ last names. Brian should have just said, “Rossini”, instead of trying to be pretentious by mispronouncing Rossini’s first name. That mistake probably cost Brian the game and a visit to The Tournament of Champions.

  4. Howard says:

    What turned out to be a close encounter of the 3-person kind began as a possible runaway for Brian.

    Ecuador seemed too obvious so I went with Suriname. Geography not my gig.

    I haven’t parsed the FJ wagers yet, but right now I’m thinking Brian’s innocent gaffe on Rossini cost him in the long run. He seemed very proud all week to give first and last names, which is fine if you know them cold. Many players (calling on you, Matt Amodio) give only the surname.

    The word for the eagle-beak nose I learned when I was very young and they drilled vocab words into us. I’d say I’ve retained most of them.

    I read the Solzhenitsyn novel in college for a Russian politics class. I’m still chortling over Brian’s “Ivan Rabinowitz” response. That was an all-time chuckler!

    “Zaandam” was a huge hint at the name of the trading company. Thought someone would take a shot at the SW state capital. There aren’t that many to choose from.

    • VJ says:

      I agree, Howard. That Rabinowitz response was funny.🤣 I mispronounced the second syllable in the right answer as “niss” but I still counted it right.

      Also funny: Almost 2 years ago, Ecuador was the correct response to FJ! in an Equator-related clue.

      In a 1989 clue, the clue writers excluded island countries with the word “mainland”, like this: WORLD GEOGRAPHY: 2 of the 9 mainland countries of the world through which the Equator passes.

      Regardless of whatever reason they had for not doing so today The players confined their guesses to South America anyway.

      • Howard says:

        Caribbean sea pretty much restricted the countries to those in South America. Central America too far north. Worldwide, I’d guess offhand many/most are in Africa. My son posted a funny meme on Facebook last night. First view is a map of North/Central/South America, with Argentina highlighted and labeled as such. Second is the same map with all of the other countries highlighted and labeled “Aren’tgentina.”

        Your pronunciation of the title character was well within bounds. No controversy there. No added syllables or letters. They frequently allow mispronounced words, especially when the contestant accents the wrong syllable.

        Very old joke, most likely from Henny Youngman:

        Law firm answering phone: “Good morning, Rabinowitz, Rabinowitz, Rabinowitz, and Rabinowitz.”

        Caller: I’d like to speak to Mr.Rabinowitz.

        Law firm: Sorry, he’s on another line.

        Caller: OK, let me speak to Rabinowitz.

        Law firm: Sorry, he’s on vacation.

        Caller: Then let me speak to Rabinowitz.

        Law firm: Sorry, he’s in conference with a client.

        Caller: Then put Rabinowitz on the line.

        Law firm: This is Rabinowitz.

        • VJ says:

          Strangely enough, i saw a few “I guessed Panama” comments around the net.

          Funny jokes!

  5. Jason says:

    I said Venezuela. Oh well! I thought it was kinda harsh, sharp maybe, when Ken said that the composer was Finnish. I don’t know if he knew that off the top of his head, or was provided to him.

    And Brian’s $8800 would only be enough to tie, had Rachel wagered the max (and gotten it correct).

  6. Collin says:

    Worst Final Jeopardy! week. Sad.

  7. Rick says:

    My mother and I first went for Brazil in FJ, but in desperation, I went for an even worst choice in the closing seconds. Actually, my mother stayed with Brazil. Well, we both lost! Better luck next week I suppose.

  8. Travis says:

    I guessed Venezuela on the final.

  9. Ismael Gomez says:

    Thanks to that pesky geography clue, we got our fourth triple stumper this week which means we got four triple stumpers in one week for the first time since the Season 33 finale week.

    • William Weyser says:

      Like that week, this week was just bad for Final Jeopardy!. Next week better be better than this.

  10. Kevin Cheng says:

    This week is a bad week for FJ! Only 1 out of 15 correct responses and that was Brian on Tuesday. It has never happened in the history of FJ! with 1 out of 15 correct responses. But Rachel certainly had a Good Friday by winning the game by a margin of 100 dollars. So we began and ended the week with two small paydays of less than 10,000 but Rachel can try to earn a lot more money on Monday.

    • William Weyser says:

      Hopefully, next week will be better, and if we only went 1 for 15 this week, who knows? Maybe, we’ll go 15 for 15 next week. I’m not saying that will really happen. I’m just saying that as a possibility.

    • Ismael Gomez says:

      It actually happened before back in July 1999 when J! was wrapping up its fifteenth season.

      • William Weyser says:

        I didn’t see that week, but I did see the Finale Week of Season 33, and that week was bad for Final Jeopardy!. Only 2 right on Monday, and the rest of the week was Triple Stumpers, but it helped Justin Vossler become a 5-Day Champion and a 2017 Tournament of Champions participant.