Final Jeopardy: Men & Machines (4-24-20)

Here are 4 more triple stumpers from the 4/24/2020 Jeopardy! game:

GET YOUR KICKS ($400) According to the U.S. Soccer Federation, a referee uses an arm raise at a 45-degree angle to signal for either a throw-in or a direct one of these

($800) This 9-letter word precedes “kick” to mean a runner’s heightened pace at the end of a distance race

THE NIFTY ’50S ($800) This first nuclear submarine was launched in 1954

STATE FLAG SUBJECTS ($1000) On Missouri’s flag, 2 of these large predators once plentiful there stand atop a scroll on which the state’s motto appears

Answers to the Sneak Peek clues — 20TH CENTURY AUTHORS:
($400) Sick of this character who talks to animals, Hugh Lofting tried to end the series with him “in the Moon”; didn’t work
($800) Norman Mailer’s “Miami and the Siege of Chicago” reports on these events that happened in those cities in 1968
($1200) Chronicler of Broadway life Alfred Runyon went by this middle name; it has more of a ring to it
($1600) Known primarily for his crime novels, he started out writing western tales like “Hombre” & “3:10 to Yuma”
($2000) John Fowles interrupts himself in this novel he wrote, commenting on the lives of the 1867 lovers at the heart of the action


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3 Responses

  1. Lou says:

    Darn, Tim almost had this second game won but that 6000 dollar bet was so risky and that cost him the game. We will see if Sarah has what it takes to close out april. According to Wikipedia, the tail section of Charles’s plane broke off during flight. Could it have been some sort of design failure that caused his plane to crash? A great game played so far but still no repeat champ.

    • VJ says:

      Yes, too bad that Tim didn’t do that the other way around — $6000 on the $800 clue, which is usually an easy clue. (Plus, there were still 3 $1600 clues and 3 $2000 clues left at that point.) Then whatever he could afford to lose and still keep the lead on that last DD, when there were only 3 $400 clues left after it. Yikes! Tim was obviously a power player who zigged when he should have zagged in this game.

      I was kind of cheering for Shawn at first. I got a kick out of his “Ferris Bueller” chat story and also the way he handled Alex and the French pronunciation of his name. Then it became pretty clear that it was going to be between Sarah and Tim. Congrats to Sarah on the win and for getting FJ. Awesome!

      • Howard Groopman says:

        I too like Shawn’s tale about Broderick. Considering he’s from Louisiana, it made perfect sense for Alex to want to pronounce his name the French way.

        Tim may have cost himself many thousands of future dollars by not retaining the lead on the last DD. He was ahead by about $4K with only 3 low-dollar clues left. You HAVE to have the lead going into Final whenever it’s within reach. $6K would not have given him a lock game, even if he’d been correct.

        I thought of Rolls first, but decided that wasn’t a real name, so went with Daimler.