Final Jeopardy: Chemical Elements (3-5-24)

Here are some more clues from the 3/5/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

GETTING TOGETHER ($400) Dropping -ulation gave us this informal word for a chat or a conference

THE ANIMAL KINGDOM ($200) Kangaroos & wallabies are members of the Macropodidae family, meaning “big” these

($800) Found in the rainforests & grasslands of Asia, this feline is named for the distinctive spots on its coat

WORDS IN COLONEL JESSUP’S BIG SPEECH ($800) Great material comfort, or anything you enjoy but don’t need

POETS & POETRY ($2000) John Donne used the stuck-up sounding similes called metaphysical these, as when he compared lovers’ souls to the 2 legs of a compass

HAVE FAITH ($2000) In a Hindu temple men perform ashtanga pranama, doing this to oneself, from the Latin for “lay flat”

“O-U-R” SOMETHING ($1200) Condolences to the dark-colored butterfly known as this type of cloak

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) Ben McKenzie played Ryan Atwood, a tough kid from Chino taken in by a wealthy Newport Beach family on this show
($400) Frankie Muniz would often break the 4th wall as a precocious middle schooler on this show
($600) This actress was the title star of “Lizzie McGuire” on the Disney Channel
($800) The title of this Miami-set spy show co-starring Bruce Campbell refers to an official statement that blacklists a spy
($1000) Regina King voiced brothers Huey & Riley Freeman on this adult swim satire created by Aaron McGruder


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4 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    Not much of a horse race, but Justin played well.
    I felt good about FJ being plutonium. Oops. Never heard of promethium or thorium.
    I thought for sure one of them would know Latin for “laying flat.” The “drop -ulation” clue was tougher but not that impossible.

  2. Jason says:

    I got FJ. What I found interesting is that Ken said he also said “thorium”. I thought the his had the correct response right there with the clue!

    Also, Ben was almost mumbling. I thought it would go to the judges when his 5-syllable word sounded like 4 (I heard “polythesm”, not “polytheism”. Several times, I had to run it back, and put on the subtitles once.

    It seemed like Emmett was going slowly. I was in fear that they would run out of time.

  3. Ismael Gomez says:

    And we got a double stumper since today’s final was a tough one and it is also the third time this season where all the players wrote the same incorrect response.

  4. Kevin Cheng says:

    It’s the third time in this tournament that we had dismissals making it three dismissals in the quarterfinals. Emmett’s daily double run-in meant that he wasn’t around for Final. But we will find out who is our last semifinalist tomorrow.

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