Final Jeopardy: Medieval Places (3-21-23)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (3/21/2023) in the category “Medieval Places” was:

One of the participants in an 1170 event at this place said, “Let us away, knights; he will rise no more”

New champ Melissa Klapper, a professor from Merion Station, PA, won $24,801 yesterday. In Game 2, her challengers are: Brandon Anderson, a communications director from Columbus, OH; and Charlotte Diffendale, a letter carrier from Albany, NY.

Round 1 Categories: Made in Pennsylvania – To the Mountaintop! – The 1980s – A.K.A. – It’s a Joke – 4-Letter “V”erbs

Charlotte found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “To The Mountain Top” under the $800 clue on the 13th pick of the round. She was in second place with $600, $1,600 less than Melissa’s lead. Charlotte bet the $1,000 allowance and she was RIGHT.

The Gouter Route is the most popular path from Chamonix up this “Roof of Europe” show

Charlotte finished in the lead with $4,600. Brandon was second with $4,200. Melissa was last with $3,600. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: TV & Movie Cities – Books: the Future Is Now – 2-Word Terms – The Life Sciences – Etymology – I Love a Man in Cuneiform

Charlotte found the first Daily Double in “2-Word Terms” under the $800 clue on the 14th pick. She was in last place with $5,800, $7,800 less than Melissa’s lead. Charlotte let it all ride and she was RIGHT.

Until the end of the 19th century this name for a horse racing achievement was only used to describe the Papal tiara. show

3 clues later, Melissa landed on the last Daily Double in “Etymology” under the $1,600 clue. In the lead with $14,000, she had $3,600 more than Charlotte in second place. Melissa bet $4,000 and she was RIGHT.

The word delectable is related to this word that refers to one who dabbles in the fine arts or other areas show

Melissa finished in the lead with $22,800. Charlotte was second with $14,000 and Brandon was last with $9,000. All clues were shown.

NONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


On 12/29/1170, Archbishop Thomas Becket was ruthlessly murdered in Canterbury Cathedral by four of King Henry II’s knights, after they took the king’s exasperated outburst “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest!” literally. Far from being pleased, the king was devastated, Becket was deemed a martyr for the faith and canonized 3 years later by Pope Alexander III. From “His shrine in Canterbury Cathedral became the most important centre of pilgrimage in England, with relics associated with him distributed to churches throughout Europe.”

The line in the clue comes from a written account by Edward Grim of Becket’s slaying in Canterbury Cathedral. Grim, a monk who claimed he witnessed the murder, either had a remarkable memory or he was taking notes!

Brandon had the Holy Sepulchre. He bet and lost his whole $9,000.

Charlotte had a few illegible letters. She lost $8,801 and finished with $5,199.

Melissa went with Paris. That cost her $5,201 but she won the game with her remaining $17,599. Melissa Klapper remains the champ with a 2-day total of $42,400.

Final Jeopardy (3/21/2023) Melissa Klapper, Brandon Anderson, Charlotte Diffendale

A triple stumpers from BOOKS: THE FUTURE IS NOW:

($1200) In 2025, game shows are to the death in “The Running Man”, written by Stephen King under this pseudonym

($2000) He saw 2024 as a hellish wasteland in his 1969 short story “A Boy & His Dog”

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: NONE of the players got this FJ in “Triple-”A” Geography”

Home to the Piazza Alberica, this Italian city is better known for what it supplied to works by Henry Moore & Michelangelo show


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4 Responses

  1. Rick says:

    Yes, a tough FJ, but better luck tomorrow.

  2. Judy O'Toole says:

    My husband and I both got FJ. “Becket” with O’Toole and Burton is a favorite movie. Regarding the comment about Grim’s memory, I would think having been present for such a horrible event it would be seared into a person’s memory. A coworker said something thing so startling to me once that I remember it word for word 52 years later. Some things just can’t be forgotten.

    • VJ says:

      @Judy, I was joking with the comment about his memory and taking notes. However, for what it’s worth, there are varying accounts about Grim. In one version, he was trying to protect Becket when one of the knights nearly sliced off one of his arms. In another, he saw the whole thing from a hiding spot by or in the altar. Other accounts say later scribes likely embellished the details. Still, I find it hard to believe that he was able to recall every single word said by the knights and Becket, esp if it’s true about his arm!

      All the same, I don’t doubt that you remember your co-worker’s shocking statement to this day.

  3. Ismael Gomez says:

    That is a tough final as we got a triple stumper.