Final Jeopardy: The 50 States (2-9-21)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (2/9/2021) in the category “The 50 States” was:

While it has only 31 miles of coastline on the Atlantic, its shoreline is almost 3,200 miles thanks to a large estuary & its tributaries

New champ John Focht, a software team leader orig. from El Paso, TX, won $24,800 yesterday. In Game 2, his opponents are: Morgan Halvorsen, a news editor from Silver Spring, MD; and Myles Nye, a game designer from Berkeley, CA.

Round 1 Categories: Nonfiction – Countries’ Translated Names – 6-Letter Words – Potpourri – Squid Pro Quo – It’s “in” the Sport

Myles found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Nonfiction” under the $600 clue, with 10 clues left after it. He was in the lead with $3,800, $400 more than John in second place. He bet $800 and he was RIGHT.

“Looking for” her chronicles many who have held the title, like Yolande Betbeze, who refused to model swimsuits. show

John finished in the lead with $6,400. Myles was second with $4,600 and Morgan was last with $4,000. No clues went uncovered.

Round 2 Categories: TV Shows by Workplace – Historical Pairs – Month of the Book – Ends with “th” – Banks for the Memories – Engineering

John found the first Daily Double in “Historical Pairs” under the $1,200 clue on the 3rd pick. He was in first place with $7,600 now, $3,000 more than Myles. He bet $3,000 and he was RIGHT.

During National Surveyors Week (March 21-27, 2021), think about members of the profession like this 18th century “Line” pair. show

John got the last Daily Double in “Banks for the Memories” under the $1,200 clue, with 7 clues left after it. In second place with $11,400, he had $3,400 less than Morgan’s lead. He bet $3,000 and he was RIGHT.

A national bank organized in 1877 was named for this ex-Treasury Secretary with a fishy first name. show

John finished in the lead with $18,400. Morgan was next with $16,800 and Myles was in third place with $5,400. No clues went uncovered.

TWO of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


Wikipedia has a sortable list of U.S. States and territories by coastline: “Two separate measurements are used: method 1 only includes states with ocean coastline and excludes tidal inlets; method 2 includes Great Lake shoreline and the extra length from tidal inlets.” Maryland’s 31 miles of coastline along the Atlantic Ocean ranks No. 21. Only Delaware and New Hampshire have shorter coastlines.

After Morgan’s response was revealed, Ken said: “That is correct, the Chesapeake Bay and all the little wiggly parts of the shoreline along it.” Check out Sketchplanations to learn about the wiggliness or fractal dimension.

Myles thought it was North Carolina. He lost his $5,333 bet and finished with $67.

Morgan got it right. She bet $1,801 and finished with $18,601, just enough to win if John stood pat or was wrong.

John got it right, too. He bet $15,600 and won the game with $34,000. His 2-day total is $58,800.

Final Jeopardy (2/9/2021) John Focht, Morgan Halvorsen, Myles Nye

2 triple stumpers from MONTH OF THE BOOK:

($1600) Knebel & Bailey’s political thriller “Seven Days in ____”

($2000) Saul Bellow’s “The Adventures of Augie ___”

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: NONE of the players got this FJ in “The Nineteenth Century”

In his autobiography, Buffalo Bill Cody remembered this venture as “a relay race against time” show


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3 Responses

  1. Rick says:

    Hooray! I also selected Maryland for the final question!

  2. Lou says:

    John and morgan had a great match today. Morgan really made him work for it but Myles couldn’t keep up with them. At least now we will hope for a triple solve soon this week that is if the Final jeopardy subject gets easier hopefully VJ. Also Connecticut also has a shoreline as well.

  3. Richard Corliss says:

    Wow. What a match between John & Morgan.