Final Jeopardy: Mythology (2-14-25)

The Final Jeopardy question (2/14/2025) in the category “Mythology” was:

On an early book of Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator’s maps, an image of this Titan holding the world was used

Today’s Jeopardy! game features Adriana Harmeyer, an archivist from West Lafayette, Indiana; Isaac Hirsch, a customer support team lead from Burbank, CA; and Drew Basile, a graduate student from Birmingham, Michigan.

This is an exhibition game for the top 3 ToC qualifiers who were automatically seeded in the semifinals. The match was originally broadcast on TuneIn radio on 1/24/25. They are showing it today so they can start the Jeopardy! Invitational Tournament on Monday.

Round 1 Categories: Sounds Like An Actor’s Name – They Drive On The Left Side Of The Road – Newspaper Terms – “Ime” On It – The Vice Presidency: America Decides – Give Me Some Backup

Adriana found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Sounds Like An Actor’s Name” under the $600 clue on the 2nd pick of the round. At $400, she was the only one with any dough. Adriana bet the $1,000 allowance but she drew a blank so she was WRONG.

Sounds like a Batman: 3-letter term meaning “to prohibit” + a company with a duck symbol show

Isaac finished in the lead with $8,200. Adriana was second with $3,200 and Drew was last with $3,000. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Conversational Esperanto – Bird “E”s – Authors & Their Characters – Sports Movies – Anagrammed Bible People – Let’s Talk About Six, Baby

Drew found the first Daily Double in “Authors & Their Characters” under the $1,600 clue on the 1st pick. The scores were the same as above. Drew bet it all and he was RIGHT.

In a 1973 book by her, Deenie has to deal with scoliosis as well as regular 7th-grade issues show

Drew got the last Daily Double in “Bird “E”s” under the $1,200 clue on the 13th pick. In second place with $8,400, he had $200 less than Isaac’s lead. With nothing really at stake in terms of winning or losing the game, Drew figured he might as well bet it all. He did and he was RIGHT.

In the 1930s, Australia declared a war of sorts on these large, flightless birds show

Drew finished in the lead with $19,200. Isaac was next with $15,000 and Adriana was in third place with $10,800. All clues were shown.

ALL of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


In Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan who was condemned to carry the sky on his shoulders after the Titans lost a 10-year war (the Titanomachy) against Zeus and the Olympians.

This video (in French with English subtitles) describes a 1606 Gerardus Mercator atlas that was restored and displayed at the Bibliothèque Mériadeck in Bordeaux, France a few years ago. Towards the end, it’s mentioned that Gerardus Mercator dedicated the work to Atlas, King of Mauretania, inventor of the first celestial sphere and, in some stories, father of astronomy. All the same, this Atlas is believed to be an evolution of the original myth.

Adriana bet $10,000 and finished with $20,800.

Isaac bet $6,600 and finished with $21,600.

Drew bet his whole $19,200 because — well, you know. He won the game with $38,400. The Jeopardy! Invitational Tournament begins on Monday.

Final Jeopardy (2/14/2025) Adriana Harmeyer, Isaac Hirsch, Drew Basile

A triple stumper from each round:

THEY DRIVE ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE ROAD ($1000) It’s the only “-stan” country with left-side traffic

SPORTS MOVIES ($1600) If you’ve seen the movie with Luke Perry as Lane Frost, you know this is the minimum ride time per the professional bull riders

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: Only ONE of the players got this FJ in “NATIONAL PARKS”

It’s named for a river indigenous people called Mi tse a-da-zi, translated by French-speaking trappers as “Pierre Jaune” show


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2 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    At first I saw no reason for this waste of 30 minutes, then I realized it was a filler when the ToC didn’t go the distance. These clues were SOOOOOO much easier than the last six shows. Got the last two DDs and FJ was embarrassingly easy.

    Knew the rodeo riding time; thought it was more common knowledge than it turned out to be. Saluton/adiau were kind of obvious, and “esperi” was a cinch IF you remembered your HS French.

  2. Jason says:

    So, wasn’t as cringy as the last one, with Mattea, Amy, and Matt. Although all, except Drew, were slightly more chatty, the game wasn’t slowed down.

    I was 1/3 on DD, and got FJ. In fact, FJ was so easy, I wondered if it was like a “placeholder”. It wasn’t something crazy hard, like Procrustes or Ctesiphon. Even though “faux”, a triple solve was nice to see.

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