Final Jeopardy: Fictional Characters (12-27-24)
Here are some more clues from the 12/27/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.
STARTS & ENDS WITH “O” ($1000) A word coined in the 1960s, it’s the segment of music heard here… making a nice capper to my clue reading
HODGEPODGE ($400) The most popular TV show in the early 1950s, this sitcom pioneered the use of 3 cameras to film in front of a live audience
($1000) “Democracy Dies in Darkness” is the slogan of this newspaper
CUPS & GLASSES ($200) It’s a cylindrical glass cup with an acrobatic name; back in the day, it had a pointed bottom & couldn’t be set down without it rolling
($1000) This type of glass bears the name of a cocktail made with lemon juice, sugar & fizzy water
F. SCOTT FITZGERALD ($600) In one of Scott’s stories, a protagonist says his father has one of these “as big as the Ritz-Carlton Hotel”
($800) Fitzgerald paired these young ladies of his day with “Philosophers” for an alliterative book title
THE “D.C.” UNIVERSE ($400) He got into the MCU as Iron Man’s sidekick Colonel Rhodes, aka Iron Patriot
($800) She played the intrepid Janet on “The Good Place”
($1600) In “First Man”, Ryan Gosling reunited with this “La La Land” director to tell the story of Neil Armstrong
THE DREADED LESSER-KNOWN OPERA CATEGORY ($1200) Originally performed by both female & castrato sopranos, Francesco Veracini’s “Rosalinda” was based on this Shakespeare comedy
DOUBLE DOUBLE LETTERS ($1600) A woman’s name begins this verb that means to indulge & pamper excessively
($2000) In Matthew 22 Jesus is confronted by members of the Pharisees & by this sect
The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern
($200) Roger Rees was the no-goodnik Sheriff of Rottingham in this comedy subtitled “Men in Tights”
($400) This title Swiss mountain girl is “Mad” in a 2022 parody & takes revenge against an evil cheese tyrant
($600) In this film Dewey Cox’ Dylan phase includes the lyric “mailboxes drip like lampposts in the twisted birth canal of the Coliseum”
($800) The high school in “Not Another Teen Movie” is named for this ’80s director whose films provided fodder for the parody
($1000) The sequel to this “Top Gun” parody was “Part Deux”
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I was 2/3 on DD and missed FJ.
A runaway at $10k? Ugh. Was this the lowest scoring game of the year, so far?
And, I have to be honest – with “pine” in the DD clue, I thought that that was a TOTAL gimme.
Ha ha Jason sometimes contestants think it just can’t be an obvious too easy answer. I remember one time they showed a picture of a piece of 🧀. You could see that the player who buzzed in was almost afraid to say cheese but he did and that was right.
Anyway, with the category being science, I could understand her reluctance to take a shot at it.
Except it was the DD. She was already committed.
Working strictly off the recap, I was stymied by the 3 DDs and FJ, not to mention all of the raft of stumpers other than the 50s sitcom and Fitzgerald’s ladies. Probably should have remembered the name of the “Good Place” actress because I read that she went to college here in Oregon.
How about the word that begins with a woman’s name, Howard? I thought you’d say that one was easy.
I knew the glass with an acrobatic name. Nikki had a doll with a similar name. It had weights in it so it could live up to its name. Once she said can you hand me that doll Mom? I said that’s not a doll, it’s a weapon. So she said can you hand me that weapon?
It was another great game, and I performed a tad above average. As for Winnie the Pooh, I never did watch the feature as it just didn’t appeal to me. Instead, for lack of a better choice, I went for Humpty Dumpty. Anyways, Ken made a boo boo while signing off when he retorted: “We’ll see you back next year”. Actually, the game will return next Monday which would be December 30, 2024, and not next year.
We end the week with 3 missed DDs resulted our eighth skunking of the season. I’m sure William Weyser will say darn those daily doubles to the contestants.
Yes, I did, and not only that, every once in a while, we have a game where the contestants don’t fit for the contestants.
Like Ryan Fenster and fellow players and the NFL!
What a lucky week for our champion Lucky Laura. She gets to spend the entire winter as a 7 day champion. We’ll see if she can stay lucky when she returns on early March of 2025 to make it 8 wins. Second Chance begins on Monday.