Final Jeopardy: Sporting Events (12-22-21)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (12/22/2021) in the category “Sporting Events” was:

In 1752 one of the first races in this sport was run–4 miles from Buttevant Church to St. Mary’s Doneraile

15x champ Amy Schneider, an engineering manager from Oakland, CA has now won $606,200. In Game 16, she is up against: Jamal Rogers, a mobile software engineer from Astoria, NY; and Krystina Alfano, a grants management specialist from Hyattsville, MD.

Round 1 Categories: The Host of Christmas Past – Mammals – Cruisin’ for a Boozin’ – The 1920s – How Green Was My Flag – Internal Rhyme Time

Amy found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Mammals” under the $600 clue on the 13th pick. She was in the lead with $5,200, $4,400 more than Jamal in second place. Amy bet $4,000 and she was RIGHT.

Its milk, a popular Saharan beverage, has 3 times the vitamin C of a cow’s. show

Amy finished in the lead with $16,400. Jamal was second with $1,200 and Krystina was last with $0. No clues went uncovered.

Round 2 Categories: ‘Tis the Season, Era or Epoch – Short Poems – I Know that Name – U.S. Geography – Aviation – No DA

Jamal found the first Daily Double in “’Tis the Season, Era, or Epoch” under the $1,600 clue on the 12th pick. In second place with $3,600, he had $15,800 less than Amy in first place. Jamal bet it all and he was RIGHT.

Living up to its name, this era is smack in the middle between the Paleozoic & the Cenozoic. show

Amy got the last Daily Double in “U.S. Geography” under the $1,200 clue with 13 clues left after it. In first place with $24,000, she had $16,200 more than Jamal in second place. Amy bet $4,000 and she was RIGHT.

This “peaceful” city of 170,000 is the westernmost state capital in the contiguous United States. show

Amy finished in the lead with a runaway $35,200. Jamal was second with $12,000 and Krystina was last with $2,000. No clues went uncovered.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.

Amusing video, profanity warning: one “f” bomb near end (4:27)


From the National Steeplechase Association history page: “By most accounts, the first steeplechase race was held in 1752 in County Cork, Ireland, where a horseman named O’Callaghan engaged Edmund Blake in a match race, covering approximately 4 1/2 miles from Buttevant Church to St. Mary’s Doneraile, whose tower was known as St. Leger Steeple. Indeed, church steeples were the most prominent — and tallest — landmarks on the landscape, and the sport took its name from the chase to the steeple. History did not record the winner of the O’Callaghan-Blake match, or if either of them completed their cross-country chase.”

According to World Athletics, Olympic steeplechase races got their start in a roundabout way: “This event has its origins in Britain; runners would race from one town’s steeple to the next, jumping obstacles such as streams and low walls. The current event can be traced to the two-mile steeplechases run at Oxford University in the mid-19th century. It was made a track event, with barriers, at the 1879 English Championships.”

Krystina got it right. She bet $1,951 and finished with $3,951.

Jamal went with bicycling. That cost him $345 and left him with $11,655.

Amy didn’t have a response at all. She lost her $10,000 and won the game with the remaining $25,200. Amy’s 16-day total is $631,400.

Final Jeopardy (12/22/2021) Amy Schneider, Jamal Rogers, Krystina Alfano

A triple stumper from each round:

HOW GREEN WAS MY FLAG ($2000) Senegal’s flag (image) has a star; the starless but similarly striped one belongs to this 4-letter West African nation above Burkina Faso (answer)

‘TIS THE SEASON, ERA OR EPOCH ($2000) The Ionian Stage began 780,000 years ago, a division of this time period that moved at a glacial pace–totally epoch!

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: Only ONE of the players got this FJ in “Plants and Trees”

One of Britain’s few native evergreen trees, it’s prized for bringing color to winter, & its foliage is often hung in homes show


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4 Responses

  1. Richard Corliss says:

    GO, AMY, GO, AMY, GO, AMY! GO, GO, GO!!!!!!!!! WHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Rick says:

    Regarding the finale, it was obviously some horse race, but I sure couldn’t come up with the specific one.

  3. Lou says:

    I am glad that Krystina got this final jeopardy despite not being able to get momentum, but even though this is the second time that amy missed FJ, it shouldn’t hurt her chances of increasing her streak. With Amy’s expanded knowledge so far on the show, she could very well get close to matt Amodio’s total if that will happen. By the way, I was wondering f the Steeplechase race is somehow similar to the Kentucky Derby which also involves horse racing, VJ? At least all the daily doubles are nailed today. Good game played by all.