Final Jeopardy: Language & Its Meanings (12-1-22)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (12/1/2022) in the category “Language & Its Meanings” was:

Now meaning someone with nocturnal habits, it catches a sleeping dove in Shakespeare’s “The Rape of Lucrece”

18x champ Cris Pannullo, a customer success operations manager from Ocean City, NJ, is still going strong, having won $637,923. In Game 19, his opponents are: Rob Lamanna, a product manager from Whitby, Ontario; and Jeri Zulli, an English professor from East Setauket, NY.

Round 1 Categories: Remembering Olivia Newton-John – Nickname’s The Same – Geography – Doctor-ing Up Literature – 1, 2 & 3 – Dollars To Donuts

Cris found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Doctor-ing Up Literature” under the $800 clue on the 8th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $2,200, $1,200 more than Jeri in second place. Cris bet it all and he was RIGHT.

Tired of having this guy talk to the animals, Hugh Lofting sent him to the moon in 1928 but fan demand had him “return” in 1933 show

Cris finished in the lead with $11,600. Rob was second with $3,800 and Jeri was last with $1,400. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Biblical Demons, Devils & Spirits – Role In Common – World Museums – Hit the Sauce – Every Man a King – Contractions

Rob found the first Daily Double in “Biblical Demons, Devils, & Spirits” under the $1,200 clue on the 10th pick. He was in second place with $8,600, $7,400 less than Cris’ lead. Rob bet $4,400 and he was RIGHT.

The Book of Luke recounts that as Passover drew nigh, the spirit of Satan entered this apostle show

Jeri got the last Daily Double in “Contractions” under the $800 clue with 9 clues left after it. In the last place with $1,800, she had $21,800 less than Cris’ lead. Jeri bet $1,700 and she was RIGHT.

This contraction opens the poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas” show

Cris finished in the lead with $27,600. Rob was in second place with $14,200 and Jeri was last with $3,900. All clues were shown.

TWO of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


From No Sweat Shakespeare: “The use of the term ‘night owl’ to refer to a type of person is first found in Shakespeare’s poem The Rape of Lucrece. Tarquin is portrayed as a predatory bird … and is described as a night owl.” The article is not saying Shakespeare coined the 2-word description, rather “it was Shakespeare who first applied the term ‘night owl’ to a type of person.” Specifically, it turns up in this line: “The dove sleeps fast that this night-owl will catch.” Lucrece is the sleeping dove and Tarquin is the predatory night-owl.

The article goes on to cite various negative appearances of the owl as a bad omen in literature dating back to ancient Rome. On the other wing, the owl was depicted as intelligent and wise in some mythologies, poems and stories.

Jeri thought it was sleepwalking. She lost her $100 bet, leaving her with $3,800.

Rob got it right. His $12,600 bet brought him up to $26,800.

Cris also got it right. He bet $1,221 and won the game with $28,821. His 19-day total is $666,744.

Final Jeopardy (12/1/2022) Cris Pannullo, Rob Lamanna and Jeri Zulli

A triple stumper from each round:

WORLD MUSEUMS ($1200) Oslo’s Kon-Tiki Museum also has a later boat, made of papyrus & named for this Egyptian god; it went from Africa to the Americas

CONTRACTIONS ($400) It comes before “get this bread” in a forward-thinking money-making meme

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: ALL of the players got this FJ in “Religious Words”

This sacred syllable is sometimes said to be composed of sounds representing Vishnu, Shiva, & Brahma show


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6 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    I am a very minor Milton scholar, and def NOT Shakespeare, so, I was not familiar with the poem, and said “nighthawk”.

    I said aloud (to myself) that Cris needed $801, and would either wager that, or, more likely, $1,221.

    Ken kinda was off on his response for the museum TS; I said the name of the god, but he said the name of the boat, (God) II. Yes, that’s the boat, but, not the clue.

    I, still, after all these years, don’t get the conservatism of players that are behind. It is akin to the contestants on “The Price Is Right”, who seem, despite years to the contrary, nearly genetically unable to estimate a 3 day vacation stay in Southern California. In this case, Rob, doing his mental math, I believe, underbet on the DD. Go big or go home! What, was he thinking he would make up the difference? I might call that hubris, considering against whom he was playing.

    My final thought is that Cris has quite a handle on TV drama – every time he rings in, and delays, I wonder if he doesn’t know it – then, he gets it! I believe he is antithetical to some other types of champs and superchamps, as he is not boring.

  2. VJ says:

    What was funny to me, Howard, was just 2 days ago my brother and I watched the Celebrity Roast of Dean Martin and Olivia’s dance partner was one of the guests who got to roast Dean!

  3. Howard says:

    “Nightbird” came to mind immediately, but I thought of the actual bird with a few seconds to spare.

    Ouch, Olivia’s dance partner whom no one knew only happened to be in the best movie musical ever! Evidently there are 3 people on the planet who never heard the song “Suite Judy Blue Eyes” or knew who performed it. 🙂

    The Stoppard/Gregory/Duke clue was a fun one but no one got it.

    Cris has that buzzer timing down as well as any other super champ; Rob was fortunate to stay in reach. He knew Cris had to bet at least $801 and get it wrong, so his $12600 wager was spot-on.

  4. Rick says:

    A slam dunk FJ. Yes, a ‘night owl’.

  5. Louis says:

    Impressive game by Cris once again. Rob also played well too and might be a candidate for the next second chance tournament. Cris might tie with julia Collins tomorrow.

  6. Sam in Seattle says:

    Love the Shakespeare FJ! Probably only for those who dig deep but fascinating. His plays gave us so many words! Congratulations to Chris who is now 9th on list of consecutive games won and 8th on list of all-time winnings (including tournaments). He’s 5th on list of highest winnings in regular season play. Impressive!