Final Jeopardy: Animals in Science (1-9-25)

The Final Jeopardy question (1/9/2025) in the category “Animals in Science” was:

The first mammal species sent on a rocket to space, it’s perhaps more famous for an antigen in its blood

Today’s Second Chance finalists are: Drew Goins, a journalist from Honolulu, HI; Sam Cameron, a finance manager from Fargo, ND; and Enzo Cunanan, a student from Orlando, FL.

This time, the links go to the semifinal games.

Round 1 Categories: World History – All Around the U.S. – FOIA & Find Out – We Shall Endure – Movie Lines – “Dis” is How You Say It

Sam found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “All Around the U.S.” under the $800 clue with 5 clues left after it. He was in the lead with $3,800, $1,000 more than Drew in second place. Sam made it a true Daily Double and went with Devil’s Peak. That was WRONG.

Colorado Springs’ website for this nearby attraction dubs it “America’s Mountain” show

Enzo finished in the lead with $3,600. Drew was second with $3,200 and Sam was last with $400. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Word History – Literary Biography – All in the Family – Oceania – Fabrics & Textiles – Classic TV

Drew found the first Daily Double in “Word History” under the $1,600 clue on the 7th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $4,400, $1,600 more than Enzo in second place. Drew bet $2,800 and he was RIGHT.

William Makepeace Thackeray coined both of these mashups of 2 top British Universities show

Sam found the last Daily Double in “Classic TV” under the $2,000 clue with 9 clues left after it. He was in last place with negative $800, $14,000 less than Enzo’s lead. Sam bet $100 and he was RIGHT.

“It’s no place like home” was a tagline for this series about prison life, HBO’s first original hour-long drama show

Enzo finished in the lead with $13,600. Drew was second with $10,400 and Sam was last with $1,700. All clues were shown.

TWO of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


A rhesus macaque monkey named Albert II was the first animal to reach outer space, a dubious distinction. Although Albert II survived the flight, he died from the force of the impact upon landing due to parachute failure. His predecessor, Albert I, is believed to have suffocated before his capsule reached the Karman Line.

The rhesus monkey is better known for its connection to blood types. The “Rh Factor” is named after it. If Rh antigens show up on your red blood cells, you’ll have a plus sign after your blood type. If not, you’ll have a minus sign. This is important knowledge for blood transfusions and for Rh negative mothers carrying an Rh positive baby.

Sam got it right. He bet it all and doubled his score to $3,400.

Drew thought it was a mouse. That cost him $5,400 and left him with $5,000.

Enzo wrote down rhesus macaque. Ken said that was lucky because rhesus monkeys are macaques. Enzo bet $8,200 and won the game with $21,800. So Enzo is the one with the big lead going into tomorrow’s game.

These scores will be added to tomorrow’s final scores to determine the winner.

Final Jeopardy (1/9/2025) Drew Goins, Sam Cameron, Enzo Cunanan

2 triple stumpers from LITERARY BIOGRAPHY:

($800) The first Pulitzer-winning bio was of this woman & said she was asked by a friend to write lyrics to the tune “John Brown’s Body”

($2000) The fifth volume of Leon Edel’s biography of this fiction writer is “The Master”, also the title of a 2004 novel about him

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: Only ONE of the players got this FJ in “HISTORIC ART”

The artwork once known in France as “la tapisserie de la Reine Mathilde” is better known as this show


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7 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    My showing was pre-empted by a special about the Bills, playing some game with a ball this weekend. I’ll check out earlier tomorrow where they moved it. So, all I get is from this recap.

    1/3 on DD. Said USAFA and couldn’t come up with Oz. Got FJ (natch).

  2. Howard says:

    I remember when monkeys were sent into space, but it was the blood antigen that gave it away for me.

    “Colorado” and “America’s Mountain” practically gave away that first DD.

    Knew the writer of the lyrics; the Beatnik poet was a cinch; the Meredith Baxter sitcom (coincidentally, earlier today I was trying to remember the actor who played her husband–his sister was on SNL); Pa Ingalls actor (he grew up in a neighborhood not far from mine).

    I liked seeing Anne Hathaway’s cottage long ago in Stratford-upon-Avon. It was away from the touristy main part of town.

  3. William Weyser says:

    I hope Drew can pull off a comeback and win this week’s Second Chance. Sam has the same goal.

  4. Rick says:

    I did well below average in the game tonight as I didn’t find that those clues were any too easy. No one knew the star of “The Little House Of The Prairie’? Huh? Well anyways, as for FJ, I instantly came up with ‘monkey’ which I hoped would have been sufficient. Surely Ken would have accepted it?

    • VJ says:

      No, Rick, rhesus had to be part of the answer for sure. Why else would they put in the part about the antigen?

      I wondered if the players would have known the Pa Ingalls actor if they showed him as Little Joe Cartwright. I think Bonanza is better known than Highway to Heaven.

      On the Battle Hymn of the Republic author, her daughters wrote that Pulitzer prize-winning biography.

      • Richard Corliss says:

        VJ, you haven’t forgotten that Celebrity Jeopardy! was starting have you?

        • VJ says:

          Well, Richard, I know it’s on, but I didn’t watch it. Same with Pop Culture Jeopardy! Unfortunately or fortunately (depending on your perspective), I need a lot of sleep and I just can’t keep up with all these Jeopardy! spin-offs.

          Talk about overdoing it! Michael Davies is giving new meaning to the word.

          Anyway, I’ll try to think of something. Maybe I’ll just look at the FJ! rounds and do a quarterfinals recap, semifinals etc.

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