Final Jeopardy: Historic Crimes (1-2-23)

Here are some more clues from the 1/2/2023 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

The players got all the clues in THE DOCTOR WILL SEE YOU NOW:
($200) It calls itself “The oldest major soft drink in America”
($400) This Dr. was in when Blackstreet featured him on “No Diggity”
($600) Him: “Austin Powers–he’s the snake to my mongoose. Or the mongoose to my snake. Either way, it’s bad. I don’t know animals”
($800) This brand takes on plantar fasciitis with its custom fit orthotic inserts
($1000) “The tragicall history” tour is coming to take you away with this Christopher Marlowe play featuring Mephistopheles


The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

Sneak Peek clues — WRITERS’ MIDDLE NAMES
($400) Of fairy tale author Hans Andersen
($800) Of Nobel Prize winner William Yeats
($1200) Of the author of 1841’s “Self-Reliance”
($1600) Of H.G. Wells; his first name was Herbert
($2000) Of C.S. Lewis; his first name was Clive


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14 Responses

  1. Rick says:

    What happened? I thought that Mayim Bialek was scheduled to host the show at the beginning of the year.

    • VJ says:

      I don’t know, Rick. When the show made the announcement that Mayim would take over for Ken in January, they didn’t mention a specific date but they did say “We know you value consistency, so we will not flip flop the hosts constantly and will keep you informed about the hosting schedule.”

      As far as I know, they haven’t informed anyone yet. Mayim hasn’t tweeted anything since last November and if Ken Jennings knows, he ain’t saying. 🤣🤣

  2. Jacob Ska says:

    What an exciting match to watch. For Ray to come back after being down to $1,000 and win the game demonstrates why he is a superchamp. Denise was a superb player.

    Regarding fj, im sure some of us remember the late singer Nat King Cole’s rendition of “Mona Lisa.” What a soothing voice.

    • VJ says:

      Yes, Jacob, I remember that song well. My mom loved Nat King Cole’s “Ramblin’ Rose”

      Steve Lawrence had a hit in 1960 with “Portrait of My Love” that had these lyrics: “Anyone who sees her soon forgets the Mona Lisa”

      • jk says:

        VJ, my dad was a bartender and the Quartermaster at the VFW as I was growing up in the 60s.. “Ramblin’ Rose” was one of the most played songs on the jukeboxes. Also, Elton John sang of “Mona Lisa’s and Mad Hatters”

  3. Travis says:

    Was anyone else surprised Ray missed the Daily Double about the baptism in Genoa? Thought that was a pretty easy one.

  4. VJ says:

    The answer to that last DD about “a colleague or a person born in the same year” was a new one on me. I’ve never used that word in speech or in writing but somewhere I got the idea that it implied conspirators and shady goings on. “Accomplice” is listed as a synonym for it but I see far more positive words.

    I did know the Genovese sailor and was surprised Ray missed that

    • Jason says:

      We use the term in medicine in population genetics. Still, I got it wrong.

      I think the most remarkable thing about the theft of the Mona Lisa is that it is painted on wood. IIRC, the fellow left it hidden in the floor of a steamer trunk.

      I do concur that Ray coming back from $1k was a mark of a super champ.

      • VJ says:

        So that’s where that “person born in the same year” part comes from — very interesting!!

        In a really crazy coincidence, my brother sent me an email yesterday and he used the word to refer to someone’s “crew”, and I know he did not see the game.

        • rhonda says:

          I also always thought of a cohort in a negative or shady sense. During the pandemic they frequently used it when talking about keeping students in the same cohort to prevent the spread of covid, that was the first time I heard it used to mean group.

    • Howard says:

      Yes, Genoa and baptized in 1451 made it kind of obvious. That was some comeback.

  5. Ismael Gomez says:

    As always, William Weyser or Richard Corliss would say darn those daily doubles, Ray.