Corey Feldman Says He Named Names on Wendy Williams

Former child star, Corey Feldman, has been taking a bit of heat recently for his new book, Coreyography: A Memoir, in which he talks about people in show business who prey upon young male stars. Why didn’t he name any names, people have griped, but Corey says he did name names. They were taken out for legal reasons. Indeed, in the video, Corey is obviously saying some identifiable information that gets bleeped out.

Feldman talked to Wendy about his experiences and those of his fellow actor, Corey Haim, and how they were both sexually molested. Feldman says part of his seduction included being introduced to cocaine and heroin as a minor. Wendy Williams asked him where his parents were in all of this, and he explained that he was actually only under his father’s care until emancipated at age 15. He doesn’t think his father knew about the sexual exploitation but he describes his father as a manipulative cunning man, interested in getting his hands on the money Corey was making as a young star.

Feldman also talks about the late Michael Jackson and how their friendship ended; his “swatting” incident where the headlines were a bit distorted as to what the ladies at his house were really wearing; and how he would not let his own child go into acting while he is a minor.


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1 Response

  1. Asama says:

    he named names but it got blurred out so I wanna know who did it?