Author: VJ

Kendall Jenner Picked On by Frances Bean Cobain

OMG! reports on what they are calling a “feud” between Courtney Love’s daughter, Frances Bean Cobain, and Kendall Jenner of the Kardashian Klan. Last week, 17-year-old Kendall wrote a message...

A Great Day for Dallas Fans

Dallas (2012) has been renewed! TNT announced today that the series will return for a third season and the network is sticking with the good old winter premiere. TNT has...

Emma Kenney: So Young, So Talented

Emma Kenney is the teen actress who portrays Debbie Gallagher on “Shameless.” You might have caught her in “Boardwalk Empire,” when she portrayed Eilis Rohan, the little sister of Kelly...

Charlie Chaplin Birthday Parade

  Today marked the 124th birthday of silent film icon Charlie Chaplin who was born on April 16, 1889 in Walworth, South London, England. His birthday is celebrated every year,...

Dallas: Reckoning Recap

  The Season Two Finale “Reckoning” aired on 4/15/2013 right after E14 “Guilt By Association.” Whether you were happy with the resolutions of various threads or not, you’ve got to...

Come Unto Me – The Mavericks

Here is one of the songs from the Dallas Season Two Finale: Reckoning   Come Unto Me sung by The Mavericks If your world has only done you wrong And...

Dallas: Guilt By Association Recap

It’s Episode 14, the next-to-last of Dallas, Season Two and John Ross Ewing is returning to Dallas from Las Vegas fresh from an impromptu marriage to Pamela Rebecca Barnes. The...