Marriage and Hunting Quotes: Boardwalk Empire

Here are some quotes from “Marriage and Hunting” (recap here) the ninth episode of Boardwalk Empire’s Season 4:

Nelson Van Alden/George Mueller: God blast it!
Sigrid Mueller: Well, it is fixed?
Van Alden/Mueller: No. It’s not fixed. The nut is stripped.
Sigrid: I need water for to make the Cream of Wheat.
Van Alden/Mueller: I’m bleeding, dear.

Nucky Thompson: Have you ever considered it was Purnsley acting alone?
Chalky White: It was Narcisse. I know it.
Nucky: That what the girl says? I’m asking if you can prove it.
Chalky: This ain’t no court of law, Nucky.
Nucky: That doesn’t change the fact that you’re asking me to impose a death sentence.
Chalky: I wasn’t asking.
Nucky: Let’’s get something straight here. You move against Narcisse. You risk losing everything you have.
Chalky: He ain’t coming after what’s yours.
Nucky: Because I mind my business.
Chalky: What that mean?
Nucky: It means when I’m conducting business, I mind it. It and only it. Not some piece of ass with a sugary voice. Not my pride. My business.
Chalky: Heard a lot of “we’ last year when you was in trouble. Now it’s just you.
Nucky: How do you like your bleeping nightclub. On the Boardwalk! Do you have any idea the bullshit I had to put up with, the strings I had to pull, the palms I had to grease to make this happen?
Chalky: Already said thank you by saving your ass.
Nucky: This place evens the score… You’ve got a family, Chalky. Children. A wife who loves you. A daughter about to be married.
Cahlky: What you gonna do about Narcisse?
Nucky: Let me talk to him. Feel him out. Before you do anything.
Chalky: I’ll give you a minute for that. Just.

Dean O’Banion: Take the truck. Drop the hooch by Paulson’s.
Hymie Weiss: What’s wrong with Tarzan here?
O’Banion: I got a rush job on this wreath.
O’Banion: That truck. Sometimes I wonder if it’s bad voodoo
Van Alden/Mueller: Beg pardon?
O’Banion: The one Stu was in the day we found him…. 23 shots they hit him with. F*cking believe that?
Van Alden/Mueller: That was unfortunate.
O’Banion: Unfortunate? The guy had a wife — kid — well, maybe he didn’t have a kid, but still. F*cking massacre.
Van Alden/Mueller: I’m taking the children to see the new Buster Keaton.
O’Banion: That was the day you disappeared with the Capones . . . The day Stuie disappeared.

Gillian Darmody: My first kiss was under this boardwalk
Roy Phillips: Should I be jealous?
Gillian: He was a freckled faced boy from Philadelphia on holiday with his parents. I sold him 3 Luckys for a nickel and he smoked them all before he had the nerve to lean in. He carved our names somewhere under here. . . . His name was James. . . . The next day was the opening of the sea. It was a silly ceremony for tourists. I pushed my way to the front of the crowd and I was chosen as one of King Neptune’s consorts. . . . The sheriff approached me. I thought for sure I had done something wrong. I didn’t know what.
Roy: So he took you to jail?
Gillian: He took me to a man. The most powerful man in the city. . . . The Commodore, they called him. He ravaged me that night. It was 6 weeks before my 13th birthday. Nine months later I gave birth. I named the baby James, the last pure thing I could remember.

Owney Madden: I spoke to Rothstein. He can’t help you.
Valentin Narcisse: Is my money not good?
Madden: He’s bust. Out of the heroin business. Masseria squeezed him out.
Narcisse: I was of the understanding that they had been partners in his endeavor.
Madden: Even Lewis and Clark went their separate ways eventually.
Narcisse: He’s your friend as well, is he not?
Madden: Masseria, sure. But he ain’t as comfortable selling to the darker types like Rothstein was.
Narcisse: The Jew like the Libyan must remain pliable if he is to survive.

Al Capone: They’re for me?
Van Alden/Mueller: They’re for a Mister Dob.
Al Capone: DOB. Dean O’Banion. heh heh. Take a seat.
Tell us everything you know about Dean O’Banion. . . .
Van Alden/Mueller: I’m not privy to his personal…
Ralph Capone: (smacks Van Alden in the head) We asked you what you know, not what you don’t.
Van Alden/Mueller: Hit me again. You’ll regret it.
Al Capone: Who the bleep do you think you are?
Van Alden/Mueller: The man who stood beside your brother at Western Electric.
Al Capone: And you’re still breathing.
Van Alden/Mueller: So are you.
Al Capone: Frank’s gone and that mick’s still here. I don’t bleeping trust you.
Van Alden/Mueller: $1,000.
Al Capone: I clear that 7 days a week.
Van Alden/Mueller: Not you. Me.
Al Capone: For what?
Van Alden/Mueller: For going into work tomorrow and blowing O’Banion’s head off.
Al Capone: Why would I let you do it?
Van Alden/Mueller: Because he thinks I’m a coward.
Al Capone: Ain’t ya?
Van Alden/Mueller: Ask Frank.

Chalky White: What you got there, baby girl?
Maybelle White: Guest list. Mother’s worried about the odd number.
Lenore White: Bad luck, that’s all.
Chalky: Mr. Purnsley on there?
Maybelle: You said you wanted him.
Chalky: Well, take him off. That solve the problem right there.

Rothstein: First time I ever played craps, I won $32. I was 9 years old.
Peter: Lucky little boy.
Rothstein: Yes, or at least I used to think so.

Nucky Thompson: There might be a problem with Chalky.
Eli Thompson: What problem?
Nucky: He took his man Purnsley for a walk in the marsh.
Eli: How come?
Nucky: He was getting out of hand.
Eli: Well good riddance. Trouble from the get-go.
Nucky: He puts Narcisse behind it. Wants to return the favor. How do I agree to that?
Eli: What’s our concern?
Nucky: Narcisse’s business with Owney Madden. Couldn’t say who else.
Eli: Madden goes to bat for some shine who knows the bible?
Nucky: Is that a bear we want to poke?

Sigrid: Did you call the Sears-Roebuck?
Mueller: Yes, yes I did. I spoke to Mr. Roebuck himself. He apologized profusely and told me he would send a dozen of his top men over immediately to remedy the situation to our total satisfaction.
Sigrid: Really? This is true?
Mueller: Nope, this is sarcasm.

Phil: Mueller (hits Mueller with a blackjack hard enough to knock him down)
Van Alden/Mueller: Phil? Mr. Gulliver? Ralph?
Phil: Two months this took to heal. I didn’t make a sale for months. Not such a tough guy now, are you, Mueller?
Van Alden/Mueller: Mr. Gulliver, do something.
You’ve got it coming, George.
Van Alden/Mueller: Enough! That’s it. I warned you to stop.
Ralph: (laughing) Hear that, Phil, he warned us.
(Van Alden pulls out a gun)
Scotty Gulliver: Now George be reasonable. Relax.
Van Alden/Mueller: I am relaxed. (Kills all 3)

Marriage and Hunting Supporting Cast

Nucky: Mickey Doyle is worth half a millions dollars
Rothstein: Well, not while he’s breathing.
Nucky: So what are you waiting for? Kill him.
Rothstein: At the very least I wanted to extend you the courtesy of obtaining your permission.
Nucky: Do I get a cut?
Rothstein: That’s a rather callous attitude.
Nucky: He’s an imbecile whom I ‘d be glad to be rid of.

Julia Sagorski: You’re very bad at hiding things
Richard Harrow: I thought I was pretty good at it.
Julia: From the drinking?
Harrow: You need to hear it from him.
Harrow: He’ll tell you when he’s ready.
Julia: It would be better if I was married
Harrow: To who?
Julia: You might do in a pinch… If you don’t say something now, this is going to be very awkward.
Harrow: Well, I’m… I’m… Yes. I’m saying yes.

Valentin Narcisse: Mr. Purnsley never arrived.
Daughter Maitland: No Doctor.
Narcisse: All through the long lover’s night…
Daughter; I couldn’t make him stay He started getting worried about his wife . . .
Narcisse: You listen, he talks, the night wears on . . .
Daughter: I couldn’t keep him.
Narcisse: You know my wish is never to involve you. To keep you separate, above the muck that I have walked through here in Babylon where we each of us have been exiled… The things I do just simply to stand up and look my equals in the eye.
Daughter: They are not your equals.
Narcisse: Why must I struggle?
Daughter: You will be clothed in glory.
Narcisse: How well I trained you.
Daughter: I will keep him here next time.
Narcisse: You remember what we pledged to each other the day we traveled out from New Orleans many years past now. We sat in a carriage more fit for cattle than for human beings and we vowed…
Daughter: You would protect me always…
Narcisse: And that you would be free, free to lie down with any man. But your heart, your heart..
Daughter: Was yours. Always yours.
Narcisse: New rug. Glass shards still in the carpet there. Mr. White is alive. And you — YOU have crushed me utterly.

Nucky Thompson: You know you can’t sit here.
Valentin Narcisse: Where I’m from there are no such things as n*ggers, Mr. Thompson, and I refuse to be treated like one. Your friend, his days are numbered.
Nucky: Is that a threat?
Narcisse: It is merely a fact. The people on the Northside have lost confidence and his political power is abating.
Nucky: You saw to that yourself by pushing heroin…
Chalky: Stand up! Stand your ass up! I’m calling you out, Doctor. You beat a woman? Let me see what you do to a man.
Narcisse: Mr. Thompson, can you not control your friend?
Chalky: I can’t even sit in my club and you in the front row with this *sididdy motherbleeper.
Nucky: Think about what comes out of your mouth next. … unless you’re ready for a war. One that you will fight alone.

*sididdy – describes attitude of someone who thinks they are better than everyone else in their group.

Dean O’Banion: How’s about the truth, Mueller? One more “I’m sorry, I don’t know, I’m not looking for any trouble,” and I will pop your head open like a melon.
Van Alden/Mueller: I didn’t kill Stu. Al Capone did. But I have killed other men. The one you know about, the three who attacked me and my partner.
O’Banion: Your what?
Van Alden/Mueller: I was a prohibition agent. I drowned him with my bare hands. My name isn’t Mueller. I’m not legally married to my wife. I used to believe in God but now I don’t believe in anything at all.
O’Banion: Sweep up the trimmings.

Nucky: What do you want?
Richard Harrow: I came to see you.
Nucky: Why?
Harrow: I got married today.
Nucky: Congratulations. You came to tell me that?
Harrow: No, I need a job.

Van Alden/Mueller: Who built this house?… Who built it?
Sigrid Mueller: You did.
Van Alden/Mueller: Who pays the bills?
Sigrid: You do.
Van Alden/Mueller: Whose holding $1,000 in his hand?
Sigrid: You are.
Van Alden/Mueller: Who am I?
Sigrid: You are my husband.
Van Alden/Mueller: My name is Nelson Van Alden. Take off your nightgown.

Daughter Maitland: Go home. I’ll be fine in a day or two
Chalky White: You’ll be fine sooner than that.
Daughter: The doctor, what he did. It wasn’t nothing but for my own good. He sees things we don’t. Divination.
Chalky: I think you and me musta gone to different church. Don’t act the fool again, girl, you hear me?
Daughter: Don’t kill him. Promise me you won’t.
Chalky: Make a promise to you. Break another to myself.
Daughter: I can’t lose you too.

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