Californication: Julia Recap – Still Smokin’ Hot!

Californication - Julia

In the second episode of Season 7 of Californication, Julia is Levon’s mother, the actress that Hank Moody indulged in a bit of sexual whimsy with 9 months before the birth of Levon, and Hank is about to tell Karen when they are interrupted by the continuing problem of Charlie Runkle’s impotence.

On his first day of work, Charlie tries to accompany Hank to work after informing him that he is now Hank’s manager and, as such, gets 15% of his salary. Hank sends him away and meets the co-worker he will be sharing an office with, a strong person named Terry that Hank can’t figure out gender-wise. Terry is not amused by Hank’s jokes. Hanks tries to get the “skinny” on Terry from the office cup-cake bearer, Hugh, but Terry walks in and profanely kicks Hugh and his cupcakes out.

Levon keeps calling Hank and pesters him into coming over for some father and son bonding. Hank arrives at what he thinks is Levon’s bachelor pad, but Levon still lives with Mommy. Julia is totally freaked out when she finds Hank there and tries to dismiss him politely, but Hank wants to know if Levon is really his kid. “All I have is his word to go on and, no offense, but he doesn’t present as the most trustworthy source.” He leaves without an answer.

At lunch in the writers’ room, Hank’s new son dilemma becomes fodder for a storyline. Danko has a baby with an autistic cousin from the past. Terry interrupts to let everyone know Hank is a convicted rapist but Hank says if anyone was raped it was him. While Terry attempts to prevail upon Rick Rath to do something, Goldie’s lunch turns out not to be gluten-free. Goldie throws up on Terry and everyone else within hurling distance.

Hank gets a text from Julia to meet him. She explains why she kept Levon’s existence a secret. By the time she realized she was pregnant, Hank had already moved on to a serious relationship with Karen and it seemed pointless at the time. Levon’s birth derailed her acting ambitions and she instead became a dental hygienist. They came to L.A. three months ago because Levon wants to act. She then asks Hank to bow out. “Levon’s a weird kid,” she says. She doesn’t want him to find out that Hank is not the fatherly type and be hurt.

Right after Charlie Runkle takes some Viagra, Hank calls to inform him he is quitting on his first day. While Marcy waits less than patiently on the bed, Hank comes across Levon arguing with security at his job. Levon thinks Julia is trying to keep them apart because she’s afraid she’ll lose him. After a sob story about the lack of male influence in his life, Hank takes Levon into his job. Rick Rath is amazed to see Hank, since Charlie just called and said Hank was in a car accident. Rick offers to give Levon a job. The Writers’ PA had to be promoted after cleaning up Goldie’s mess. Levon insults a TV show that Rick wrote the script for. Rick agrees the show sucked.

Charlie comes in and the car accident is explained away as a fender bender. Charlie notices Levon who is admiring the derriere of a young woman fixing an electrical outlet. The view causes Charlie’s Viagra to kick in and he begins to feel dizzy. He thinks he’s having a heart attack. The young woman comes over to help and Charlie has an orgasm in his pants.

Julia pays Hank a visit at his home with a change of heart. She thanks him for getting Levon a job and apologizes for her “mother bear” issues. Karen arrives and Hank hugs her at the door. As he backs her into the room, he says there’s someone she has to meet. He turns her around and Julia gives Karen a little wave. “Oh, no,” Karen says.

Do you smell a con with the way Julia and Levon went about this? We do. But, whether Levon is really Hank’s son or not, the preview shows that the damage is done where Karen is concerned.

Cast of Julia:
Heather Thomas – Julia
Oliver Cooper – Levon
Michael Imperioli – Rick Rath
Chris Titone – Hugh
John Madison Tye – Terry
Mary Lynn Rajskub – Goldie
Alonzo Bodden – Alonzo
Darrell Britt-Gibson – Darrell
Jade Catta-Preta – Jade
Olesya Grushko – Hot Girl
Tara Holt – Melanie
Writers PA – DJ Lubel
Michael Keeley – Security Guard

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