Tagged: TV

No Kennedy Miniseries? Say What?

What in the world could be amiss with the eight-part miniseries “The Kennedys” to cause the History Channel to say: “While the film is produced and acted with the highest...

Justin Bieber’s Potty Mouth

Rumor has it that teen heartthrob, Justin Bieber, got upset when the production manager on Australian morning chat show “Sunrise” was showing Justin the way to the stage floor. The...

Gary Coleman’s Sudden Death

Gary Coleman, who was the star of the 1970s sit-com, “Different Strokes” died today at age 42, after suffering a brain hemorrhage two days ago. Gary Coleman played Arnold Jackson...

Naomi’s Oprah Confession

When the infamous diva confided her secrets to Oprah Winfrey today, we learned that here at Fikkle Fame, we are actually a lot like Naomi Campbell in at least a...