Supporting Cast of Lake Hollywood: Ray Donovan
Here are some of the actors who appeared in “Lake Hollywood” (8-29-2016), Episode 10 of Ray Donovan’s Season 4. The episode recap is here.

Butch explains how his Kremlin Bleeds film and its upcoming sequel, Taj Mahal Bleeds, are geo-biographical
Jack Kesey played action star Butch Kramer. Dmitri Sokolov (Raymond J. Barry) wanted to meet Butch before he would talk about releasing Avi in exchange for his artwork that Ray stole. Ray Donovan thought he was a fan of Butch’s “The Kremlin Bleeds” blockbuster film but it was quite the opposite. Sokolov challenged him to fight his bodyguard. Butch jokingly said “Listen, I’ll take him, you, his cousin, his grandma Svetlana, his three poodles and a goldfish, all at the same time,” but the Russians weren’t joking.

Yuri shows Butch just how tough Russians really are
David Agranov played Yuri, the Russian bodyguard who kicked Butch Kramer’s butt. Sokolov took that film a bit too seriously and wanted to show Butch that he couldn’t beat a single Russian anywhere, nevermind 111 of them in Red Square. After Sokolov decided Butch had enough of a lesson, he put a stop to the beating. Butch shot Ray the dirtiest look as he was helped away to the car.

Jessica Campos has had enough of Hector and Marisol
Audra Griffis played Jessica, Hector Campos’ wife. We only got to see her for a couple of seconds as she left the Fite Club with little Stella, after informing Hector that she was leaving him and taking their daughter to Montreal because he just could not get rid of half-sister Marisol. Hector got rid of Marisol for good just a little later but we doubt that will bring Jessica back.

Jessica Campos has had enough of Hector and Marisol
Terry made another date with Officer Maureen Doherty (Tara Buck). (The first one ended up in the sack at her house already!) This time he invited her to go with him to a fancy party with penguin suits before the Campos-Whittaker fight goes down. She accepted. At least it’s before the fight because it looks like Ray Donovan is going to sell out Hector to the Russians.
Here is the song “Layla” by Derek & the Dominoes (Read the story behind the song at SongFacts) that Abby told Mickey about. After the first time she and Ray made love, this song was playing and Ray told her to slit his throat and let him bleed out after the song was over because “it will never get any better than this.” Seemed more like a memory she would have after Ray cheated on her repeatedly and wish she did it.
More notes:
- Besides Marisol, the second character to end up dead in this episode was Jacob Waller. He met an ignoble end at the hands of Dmitri Sokolov who was wise to his disloyal ways.
- We never did see what condition Avi is in now in this episode but after what happened to Waller, who actually worked with the Russians, we think it’s a sure bet they are not taking good care of him.
- Bill Primm is now presumed to have been murdered by Mickey. Bunchy told Ray as much and Mickey didn’t deny it when confronted by Ray.
- We don’t think this was the first time that Hector murdered someone. Before the final meeting between Marisol and Hector went down, she made a reference to him taking care of their father while she took care of the priest who abused Hector.
Main Cast:
Liev Schreiber – Ray Donovan
Paula Malcomson – Abby Donovan
Eddie Marsan – Terry Donovan
Dash Mihok – Bunchy Donovan
Steven Bauer – Avi
Katherine Moennig – Lena
Pooch Hall – Daryll
Jon Voight – Mickey Donovan
Also in Lake Hollywood
Alyssa Diaz – Teresa
Ismael Cruz Cordova – Hector Campos
Lisa Bonet – Marisol Campos
Gabriel Mann – Jacob Waller
Tom Wright – Punch
Dominique Columbus – Damon
Rob Locke – Pieter
Mattea Quin – Stella Campos
Korrina Rico – Monique
Linn Bjornland – Diane Desmond
Andrei Runtso – Russian #1
Sven Holmberg – Russian #2
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