Spoiler Talk: CotD (Wed)
It’s time for a look at the NY Times Clue of the Day for Wednesday’s game. This clue may be today’s Final Jeopardy! If you know it (or even if you don’t), you can make a prediction on how many players will get it right and/or leave a hint on the right answer BEFORE 11:15 A.M. CENTRAL (And, yes, we are all aware that the results are sometimes put up earlier elsewhere, but we play fair here).
Take Your Lumps: No late predictions. No changing predictions. No exceptions.
If you don’t want to read comments about the answer to the clue, READ NO FURTHER. If you do want to talk about it, then click on the link below to see the clue, and fire away! (Check the comments around 7 a.m. Central if Jeopardy.com is not up to date)
Clue of the Day
FYI, we don’t reveal the answer outright. We just hint at it. However, it is okay to give possible wrong answers.
Alert: The first 8 words of our comments show up on the homepage sidebar, so prefacing any hint with a short observation is the best way to go.
All comments and predictions on the CotD posts are deleted after about a week, so be fearless!
An old row: This was the $1000 row in the last round of the Jeopardy! match that originally aired on 6-23-1993.
WORLD HISTORY: This dynasty that ruled Milan is the most famous family we know whose name starts with “SF”
CANADIAN CAPITALS: The oldest Protestant church in Canada is St. Paul’s Church in this Nova Scotia capital
1950s TV: On “Father Knows Best”, it was Jim Anderson’s “pet” name for his daughter Kathy
THE BIBLE: “And Cush begat” this man, a “mighty hunter before the Lord”
COINS: This state’s tercentenary half dollar was issued in 1935 with a depiction of the Charter Oak
AMERICAN LITERATURE: His books “Daisy Miller” & “The Portrait of a Lady” are both about young American ladies in Europe
Today’s Quote: There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it ~ Edith Wharton
TUESDAY’S PREDICTIONS: jk, VJ and JJ correctly predicted everyone would get monarch butterflies!
Early Spoiler results are usually updated around 12 p.m. Central.
I had never heard of the HMS Warrior before this… 1/3 correct answers.
I’ll say 1/3 as well today
I dunno, I’m not so sure many people think of this guy in connection with any other vessel than the Bounty.
I’ll say ONE right.
I disregarded the name of the vessel as an important part of the clue, as I’d never heard of it., The time period and the behavior of the captain in question brought it to me immediately. When I think of a captain with a disgruntled crew, regardless of the ship, no one else comes to mind outside of fiction. I’m hoping the contestants pick up on that.
That’s a very good point, jk. I knew it because I’ve read about this guy’s later career. I try not to let what I know influence how I think the players will react and I seemed to recall seeing players crash and burn on FJ’s about the much more famous 1789 incident.
Oh well, all we can do now is hope the results aren’t 2 out of 3. 🤣
P.S. 1804 is closer to the Battle of Trafalgar so I also wondered if Lord Nelson would show up, even though he was an admiral.
Boy, VJ, did Nelson ever show up!!! Surprised no one picked up on the clues that hit me.
Yes, that was quite a surprise. I thought for sure the lady had it but they all zeroed in on the year. Funny, I had mentioned 1805 when one of the players thought the Historic Horse’s name was Trafalgar. Even funnier, Bligh was at the battle Wellington’s horse was named after.
No other name comes to mind. Will there be two triple solves in a row> I think so. 3/3