Randy and Evi Quaid: Safe from the Star Whackers

Blow the Quaids a kiss goodbye north. Evi Quaid has already been given Canadian citizenship by virtue of the fact that her father was born in Canada. With Canadian citizenship documents safely in hand, she is now sponsoring her husband, Randy. Now the happy couple are safe from the star whackers, who may know where they are, but apparently will cross the Quaids off their hit list, because … well, we don’t know why.

All we know is what’s in the video — that the Canadian government has dropped its bid to send Randy back to the States and since his wife is able to sponsor him, he will drop his claim for refugee status.

And how about that vandalism case and the arrest warrants that were issued when the Quaids fled the jurisdiction? Tough luck! Canadian authorities are not going to cooperate with the USA on that because they don’t think the evidence was strong enough to warrant extradition.


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