Quarter-Finals 9 & 10: Jeopardy NCC (2-15-22)

Here are some more triple stumpers from Quarter-Finals 9 and 10 in the Jeopardy! National College Championship tournament

Quarter-Final 9:

HITS OF 2021 ($1000) Luke Bryan sang “Kiss by kiss, one after another, don’t let go, baby, let this summer just keep on coming in” this title

GOING GREEK ALPHABET ($200) The closest red giant star to earth is this Crucis, the third-brightest star in the Southern Cross

($600) (showing image with the letters “A I O”) These three letters symbolize a fraternity founded in 1998, one of the few that uses its third letter

COURSE SYLLABLES: This study of substances reactions & physiological process inside living things

HALF PAST ($800) First used to stamp gold & silver, it now refers to anything of excellent quality

($1000) This group of electronegative elements forms salts

Add/Drop ($1200) Drop a letter from a word meaning uninvolved or indifferent to get an adjective meaning relating to a nerve

I Do Declare ($1600) Hoping to get his family back, in 1660 this exiled king made some promises in the Declaration of Breda; it worked

Quarter-Final 10:

WE’VE GOT THE RECEIPT ($400) Peter Minuit is said to have purchased this island in 1626 for 60 guilders worth of trade goods

TV CHARACTER ANALYSIS ($800) Rick’s granddaughter; quite an animated character

($1000) A Sterling (K. Brown) performance; NBC, FYI

LANGUAGE LAB ($800) This Hawaiian word means “thank you”: add nui loa to mean “very much”

($1000) In “Kingdom of Heaven”, King Baldwin offers Saladin this 2-word Arabic greeting

OUR GOVERNMENT ($1000) The oldest standing committee in Congress is this chief tax-writing one of the House

10-LETTER WORDS ($800) “Mortal” word describing a jury that can’t reach a verdict

ANATOMY ($800) On either side of the neck you should be able to feel the pulse above this artery that supplies blood to the head

($2000) While the uvula is a soft flap at the back of the throat, this similar word is the pigmented middle layer of the eye

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4 Responses

  1. Ismael Gomez says:

    Second half was terrible as we got a double stumper and the clues were not nice to Anna.

  2. Jacob says:

    Quarter final 10 was painful to watch.

    • Jason says:

      That’s a very succinct way to say it, and very accurate. I am surprised that producers didn’t stop and tell them all, but especially Anna, to wait to be acknowledged before starting to talk.

      I should have taken FJ literally, but, didn’t think to, and said Jefferson Davis.

      • Lou says:

        I also said George the III but there were some easy clues that were missed here. A fourth place finisher will be guaranteed a spot in the second chance tournament later on.