Quarter-Finals 3 & 4: Jeopardy NCC (2-9-22)

Here are some more triple stumpers from Quarter-Finals 3 and 4 in the Jeopardy! National College Championship tournament

Quarter-Final 3:

COLLEGE SPORTS DYNASTIES ($600) With stars like this Olympian seen here, the North Carolina Tar Heels have won 21 of the NCAA’s 39 women’s soccer titles

($800) From 2000 to 2016 UConn’s Huskies won 10 NCAA women’s basketball titles for this coach

($1000) Coach Bob Reade led this Illinois school known as “Augie” to 4 straight Division III football titles in the 1980s

ENCYCLOPEDIA WORDS ($800) Norway’s Austfonna one is not doing great, contributing to rising sea levels

($1000) A huppah is one at a Jewish wedding ceremony

BUILDINGS ($2O00) Wingspread, a sprawling home for wax tycoon, Herbert F. Johnson, was Frank Lloyd Wright’s last house in this style

SCIENTIFIC ISMS ($1600) It’s the word for tremors & other movement issues associated with a certain disease, even if not caused by it

($2000) The alligators at Louisiana’s Audubon Zoo have this -ism from the Greek for “white,” a loss of melanin akin to albinism

LITERARY NAME DROPPERS ($1200) Partly narrated by his college roommate: “The Brief Wondrous Life of ____ ____”

($1600) Famous first line of “Atlas Shrugged”: “Who is ____ ____?”

A FEW FINAL WORDS ($1200) 9-letter word for an attorney’s closing argument to a jury to get their point across

($2000) Nothing to do with a military takeover, this 3-word French phrase is a final blow

Quarter-Final 4:

THE ELEMENTS ($1000) This English chemist & clergyman discovered oxygen in 1774

GETTING YOUR LOOK TOGETHER ($2000) In 2006 J. Crew launched this sister brand that specializes in denim

ORCHESTRA OF THE WHIRLED ($1600) It’s all about music love: MOLAR INCH HIP

HISTORIC MEAN TWEETS ($1000) In your face, Elisha Gray! Got my patent entered before yours #biginventionof1876

RIVER CITY ($1600) This city on the Yamuna River has “New” & “Old” sections with more than 20 million residents

ART APPRECIATION ($800) Marcel Duchamp came up with this word describing the abstract sculpture created by Alexander Calder at a 1932 exhibition

LITTLE, MEDIUM OR BIG DOG ON CAMPUS ($400) The AKC says the Old English this “is the archetypical shaggy dog, famous for his…peek-a-boo hairdo”

($1200) The silky coat of this hound seen here protected it from the rough climate of its Central Asian origin

($2000) The Hackney gait of the Min Pin, short for this breed, is a high-stepping one much like a trotting Hackney horse

Reversal: PREFIXES ($2000) This prefix forms the first 6 of the 45 letters in the disease name sometimes called the longest word in English – Joey’s response of “pneumono” was rejected in favor of “pneumo.” The judges decided that the clue was confusing and gave him $4,000 — the $2,000 they took away and another $2,000 for a correct answer.

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3 Responses

  1. Lou says:

    Only one triple stumper in the first half of the college tourney and the rest not so bad, at least we know that the college students are not strong in geography but they will make up for it in the semi finals. Good game by everyone

  2. Ismael Gomez says:

    Tough final in the first half as no one knows about geography and not as tough for final in the second half.