Miley Cyrus vs. Taylor Swift

Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball

Miley Cyrus is back in the news once again for her nudity and the use of her tongue. You can see it all in her new video called “Wrecking Ball.” It’s not a bad song, but the video is getting a lot of negative attention. In some of it, she does have on some skivvies. She’s built like a tomboy which makes you wonder why she feels the need for nudity. And we shudder to think what the reason might be behind licking a sledgehammer, or whatever that is. Ah well, it could have been worse — it could have been a ratchet wrench!

Miley, her tool and her tongue

Now contrast that with Taylor Swift, who is in the news for her recent appearance at the Toronto Film Festival, stylishly dressed.

Taylor Swift at Toronto Film Festival

We agree with the Daily Mail that the white outfit is eye-catching and stunning, but we love the blue dress. Lovely shade and so feminine, and she wears it so well.

Miley ought to hire some designers and go that route. And — Please! Put the tongue back in your mouth. Nobody wants to see that!


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1 Response

  1. Nathalee Arroyo says:

    All i know is that taylor swift is the bestest singer in the whole world. i love her to death. she is my role model