Master Minds Recap: January 18, 2023

Here’s a recap of the clues on Master Minds (Season 3) for Wednesday, January 18, 2023 with host Brooke Burns.

Today’s episode title: “Trivia, Smarts & Strawberry Fields Forever”
Today’s Master Minds: Mark “The Beast” Labbett, LaKedra Pam, Ryan Chaffee
Today’s challengers: Samantha, Scott, Andrea

The show’s format pits 3 contestants against each other and 3 Master Minds against each other. There are 3 rounds and the contestant with the highest score wins $1,000 and faces off in the Ultimate Trivia Challenge against the winning Master Mind. If the contestant beats the Master Mind, the prize money goes up to $10,000.

Round 1: Here are the 7 categories and questions. 100 points for each correct answer.

(1) TELEVISION: “Hamlet” and “Much Ado About Nothing” have been translated into which “Star Trek” language?
(a) Klingon (b) Romulan (c) Vulcan
(2) CALENDAR: In honor of John Hancock’s birthday, which day is celebrated each year on January 23rd?
(a) National Banking Day (b) National Smuggling Day (c) National Handwriting Day
(3) LANDMARKS: For its first 16 years, which of these served as a functioning lighthouse?
(a) Sydney Opera House (b) Statue of Liberty (c) Leaning Tower of Pisa
(4) MOVIES: Chris Hemsworth’s uncle partially inspired what movie title character?
(a) Tootsie (b) Uncle Buck (c) Crocodile Dundee
(5) MAMMALS: The animal that produces the milk with the highest known fat content is a species of what?
(a) seal (b) cat (c) pachyderm
(6) HISTORY: Involving the British Empire and Zanzibar, the shortest war in recorded history lasted the better part of what?
(a) minute (b) hour (c) day
(7) ANATOMY: What is made of the hardest substance in the human body?
(a) cranium (b) femur (c) tooth


Scores at end of Round 1:
Samantha 600 Scott 600 Andrea 700 / The Beast 700 LaKedra 700 Ryan 700

Round 2: There are 5 subjects and questions. No multiple choice. Correct answers are worth 200 points for the first 4. The last question is worth 400 points. At the end of the round, the person with the lowest score on each team is eliminated.

(1) TRAVEL: A 2.5-acre area of New York’s Central Park called “Strawberry Fields” is a monument to what musician?
(2) THEATER: What is the alliterative name of the professor of phonetics in the play “Pygmalion”?
(3) FURNISHINGS: Once called a courting chair, a sofa meant for just two people goes by what “amorous” name?
(4) FASHION: What designer known for his 3-letter monogram was born in French Algeria?
(5) ELECTRONICS: Electrical resistance is measured in what type of units?

Scores at end of Round 2:
Samantha 1800 Scott 1200 Andrea 1500 / The Beast 1700 LaKedra 1900 Ryan 1900

Scott and The Beast are eliminated.

Samantha and Andrea advance to the next round, as do LaKedra and Ryan.

Round 3: Each team faces off in a rapid-fire 1-minute trivia battle. The first question is worth 500 points and each additional question goes up an additional 100 points. The winners go on to the last round.

(500) Enjoyed with scuba gear, the Museo Subacuático de Arte is located in what country’s waters off Cancun?
(600) Mattel released a Barbie doll in the likeness of what longest-ruling monarch in British history?
(700) Which letter-named street in Washington, DC is commonly used to refer to the lobbying industry?
(800) In Greek mythology, Aeolus is the god of what classical element?
(900) A federal holiday commemorating emancipation, Juneteenth was first celebrated in what southern U. S. state?
(1000) What team sport is French for the hooked stick?
(1100) German psychiatrist Hans Berger performed the first of what brain activity tests on humans?
(1200) What Swedish climate change activist has referred to Asperger’s Syndrome as her superpower?


Scores at end of Round 3:
Samantha 7100 Andrea 3000

Samantha wins $1,000 and advances to the Ultimate Trivia Challenge. But first, LaKedra and Ryan will battle it out for a minute to see who joins Samantha.

(500) What semi-aquatic rodents once built a dam in Alberta that stretched more than half a mile?
(600) What bright red January birthstone gets its name from the Latin word for pomegranate?
(700) What flagship news program on national public radio debuted in 1971, the same year NPR went on the air?
(800) Jason Reynolds’ young adult novel “Ghost” follows 7th-grader Castle Cranshaw as he joins a team in what sport?
(900) In 2013, Paris officially revoked a 213-year- old law that forbade women from wearing what article of clothing?
(1000) Who was the first U.S. president to hold a ceremony officially pardoning a Thanksgiving turkey?
(1100) Not quite the size of Rio’s Christ the Redeemer, the seven-story-tall Christ of the Ozarks is in what state?
(1200) What British fellowship of eminent scientists began in 1660 with a lecture by Christopher Wren?


LaKedra finished with 2400 to Ryan’s 4500 so Ryan will join Samantha in the Ultimate Trivia Challenge. If Samantha beats Ryan, she will return on the next show. Any player who makes it through 2 shows and wins $20,000, gets to join the Master Minds expert team.

Ultimate Trivia Challenge: The questions are presented to the players at the same time and they write their answers down.

(1) At the first Winter Olympics in 1924 what was the only sport open to women?
(2) The center scene in Hieronymus Bosch’s most famous painting inspired the title “The Garden of” what two words?
(3) In the pantheon of Greek gods, which muse was the protector and personification of comedy?
(4) Similar to ball lightning, what weather phenomenon is seen as glowing blue electrical plasma?

ANSWERS: (unless otherwise indicated, both were correct)

Ryan got 4 right to Samantha’s 2. Samantha is going home with $1,000 and we will see three new challengers tomorrow.

Want to be a contestant on Master Minds? APPLY HERE

Master Minds airs daily on Game Show Network. Check your local listings for times.

See the pool of trivia experts participating in Master Minds

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1 Response

  1. Jason says:

    That first round was especially sharp. Of 42 total answers from all 6 playing, there were 40 correct responses.

    As the game went on, the correct answers decreased a bit, as would be expected, but, still!