Final Jeopardy: Landmarks (9-22-21)

Here are some more triple stumpers from the 9/22/2021 Jeopardy! game:

The players got all the clues in MOVIE TIME:

($200) This company made special volleyballs with its name on only one side for “Cast Away” so a face could be painted on it
($400) 1966’s “The Silencers” was the first movie with a scene after these, a teaser for the next Matt Helm spy adventure
($600) Marge Champion, the model for this title character of a 1937 Disney film, was briefly married to the animator who developed Goofy
($800) In this film, Morgan Freeman says the prison library should file “The Count of Monte Cristo” with the educational books
($1000) This legendary Italian composer was 87 when he finally won his first competitive Oscar for “The Hateful Eight”


Sneak Peek clues — _R_M
($400) Study all night for a test the next morning
($800) In an idiom it precedes “and proper”
($1200) It’s what a British nanny pushes the baby in
($1600) It can be a small amount of alcohol, or 1/8 of a fluid ounce
($2000) This city north of Provo was named for the president of the Salt Lake & Utah Railroad


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10 Responses

  1. Rick says:

    I wouldn’t have necessarily referred to the Berlin Wall as a landmark, but rather as a faltering relic of the Cold War.

  2. Anthony Vanderbloom says:

    Actually The Appian Way was not a good guess it’s 400 miles long and was built in 312 B.C. and is still there today.

    • VJ says:

      You’re right, Anthony. Perhaps I should have said it wasn’t as far-fetched as it might seem

      @Rick, I never thought of it as a landmark either.

  3. Alfred Robert Hogan says:

    I thought the FJ today was really easy and I am astonished only one contestant correctly wrote down What is the Berlin Wall? But history and geography are two among my strength subjects (cf. I know almost nothing about cosmetics/makeup, fashion, sports, celebrities, non-vegan food, ballet, opera, recent pop culture (post-1970s), etc.

  4. Alfred Robert Hogan says:

    My knowledge on cosmetics/makeup is essentially zero (and fashion little better) so this is an abysmal category for me. Much like ace teen eco champion Greta Thunberg I view them as unnecessary for anyone–except possibly some actors. They are completely illogical for virtually everyone. Even if if the ingredients are vegan and not tested on non human animals (both really rare alas) cosmetics/makeup are a needless negative detriment to our environment. Fast fashion exerts a big bad environment impact too. Maybe these are perspectives much easier for someone like Greta (or me) with major OCD-Asperger’s to understand. I think that vegan Jewish scientist Dr. Mayim Bialik is doing superbly as the interim JEOPARDY! host (as did Ken Jennings). 🙂

  5. Lou says:

    That category on fashion was a little unkind to matt today, but I am glad he turned things around in the second round. Still I was hoping his opponents would have gotten The berlin wall since the event was hitting the headlines back in the old days. Matt is getting closer to that 1 million dollar mark now. I wonder if he has gotten tired already after coming this far VJ? The quickness of the buzzer by Matt shows me that he is playing like James.

  6. JP says:

    Cruel throwing a fashion clue into the acronym category as a daily double. Felt like it was almost intended to trip Matt up.

    • VJ says:

      idk, JP, maybe if he thought about it a few more seconds? As Nikki said, who puts make-up on their ears? 🤣🤣

      On the $2K Art & Design vase clue, a couple of weeks ago I was searching online for a cabinet Nikki’s girl could keep her doll clothes in. I didn’t have much hope of finding a wooden dresser like Nikki had when she was little but came up with a couple of prospects between $45 & $50. Nikki said hold off until she checked out the thrift shop. This is what she found for $50 bucks. That was beyond my wildest expectations — we could keep the dolls in there too — and of course, we got it. So when that clue came up today, we looked at each other and said the answer at the same time.

      omg!! I freely admit that the answer would not have been on the tip of my tongue if that had not happened so recently.

      • JP says:

        You could definitely tease it out, so I don’t think it was unfair.

        To your point, the clue specified “cosmetics”, not “makeup”, and I suppose non-makeup cosmetics for the ears probably exists. Far, far from my area of expertise though.

        Another thing that I thought was a little tricky is that eyes and lips are technically part of the face, so you could argue the name is a bit redundant.

        • VJ says:

          I looked up “can you put makeup on your ears” and, apparently, this was a trend started in 2016 by Kylie Jenner. According to one makeup artist, ears and neck are part of the face and you should put foundation on your ears and neck. (Not you, personally, JP. 🤣 or me either– I don’t wear much makeup).

          Most of the articles about the trend are from 2016 so I don’t think it really caught on. I’ve never seen anyone with ears like the ones in this article.