Final Jeopardy: Newer Words (7-15-24)

Here are some more clues from the 7/15/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

COLLEGE IN NEW ENGLAND ($600) In 1800 7 students enrolled at Middlebury College in this state; in 2024, 2,800 undergrads were roaming around

EXTREME WEATHER ($1000) Glen Powell: “The Saffir-Simpson scale categorizing hurricanes is named in part for Robert Simpson, who was interested in meteorology from age 6 when this alliterative rise in sea level interrupted his dinner in Corpus Christi

THE WORLD IN 1776 ($800) The Revolution was struggling when the Brits took Fort Lee in this state, future home of Dr. Joyce Brothers & Mr. Richard Feder

($1200) Pedro de Cevallos was named the first viceroy of this South American region that shares its name with an estuary

ONE-WORD SONG TITLES ($2000) In a Reba McEntire hit, a mother to her daughter: “Here’s your one chance”, her, “don’t let me down”

FASHION IN BOOKS ($1600) We’re told this character “always wears a single white Hermes scarf” &, we can assume from the title, she also wears Prada

U.S. GEOGRAPHY ($1600) This bay, an inlet of Lake Huron, separates Michigan’s “thumb” from the rest of the mitten-shaped lower peninsula

($2000) During winter, it’s possible in theory but a bad idea to walk across the ice from this “Little” Alaskan island to a nearby Russian isle

TO THE “NTH” POWER ($000) This structure at Chartres Cathedral once bore an image of Theseus

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) From the Dutch for “to sail to & fro”, you’ll sail from island to island in the Caribbean on this pleasure trip
($400) The Dutch for “to boast” gives us this word for a maneuver at the poker table
($600) The Dutch gave us this word for the sound of lips tasting food or a noisy kiss
($800) This NHL franchise turning 100 in 2024 gets its name from a Dutch color word
($1000) Though the French ones are a favorite at Dunkin’, this deep-fried twisted donut is from a Dutch word


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5 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    Brenna, I believe, stumbled near the end there. She seemed dramatic while considering her DD wager – then, wagers too little. Even if she got all the remaining clues correct, she would still have been behind Isaac. If you’re going to take that much time, make it worth it. Turns out to be academic, though.

  2. Howard says:

    Not my night, other than 2/3 DDs. One clue after another kept bewildering me.
    What looked like a runaway became a contest.
    Knew Middlebury because a HS classmate told me he’d be going there.
    Texas Red was a cinch. Fort Lee/Richard Feder brought back fond memories. It’s at or near the western side of a famous bridge.

  3. Rick says:

    I did about average in today’s game, and I did manage to get a few right in the ‘1776’ category. Still, that category was a bummer. Regarding the FJ, I’m not sure that “performative” would have been the best choice to describe such action.

  4. Jacob Ska says:

    VJ, I bet Keith Williams was not happy about the triple stumper on his alma mater Middlebury College. I was shocked. Surely the contestants are familiar with Keith or not. Smh.

    • VJ says:

      ha ha, Jacob, I noticed that too and sent Keith an email about it.

      They also had a stumper on the state I was born in AND one about the state I live in now (the red fruit).

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