Final Jeopardy: Countries of the World (7-11-24)

Here are some more clues from the 7/11/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

LET’S GO TO THE CONCERT HALL ($200) It’s a rule not to clap at this point during a symphony, but conductor Pierre Monteux called that “artificial restraint”

($600) A popular design for concert halls has sloped terraces & is named after this type of area where a certain fruit is grown

($1000) The first violinist also has this title & gets a handshake from the conductor to show the maestro’s respect for the orchestra

1980S AMATEUR WRESTLING ($400) At the 1980 NCAA championships, Oregon State’s Howard Harris won all 5 of his matches by “fall”–doing this to opponents

($000) After having his spleen removed, cancer survivor Jeff Blatnick won 1984 Olympic gold in this heavier-than-heavyweight division

STATES THAT END IN HAMPSHIRE In 1934 it got a bit breezy at this N.H. mountain, the highest peak of the White Mountains, with winds clocking in at 231 mph

($1000) It’ll be a notch in your belt if you know this town, as always, voted right after midnight on Election Day 1984; Reagan won, 29-1

ANIMAL SYNERGY ($400) In the Kalahari the drongo bird alerts the “manor” of this burrowing creature to predators

($1200) On the Savannah this big bird can see real good & this equine has a keen nose, so the 2, ebony & ivory, live together in harmony

($1600) The cattle species of this bird dines on insects that the water buffalo stirs up while it’s grazing

ALPHABETICALLY LAST ($800) Of the Pentateuch (the first 5 books of the Old Testament)

($1200) Of U.S. state capitals (head east)

($2000) Of the body’s 206 bones (it makes you cheeky)

HEIR ($1600) “Dark” nickname of the heir apparent of English King Edward III, who beat the French in battle at Poitiers in 1356

($2000) This Byzantine emperor, the 8th to use the name, had no male heir, so he married off his daughter Zoe so she could reign

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) This protective job has given big brains time to think: Edward Snowden (at a research center), Bill James (a pork & beans cannery)
($400) An old line says an unpopular politician “couldn’t get elected” to this job, now with the upgraded name animal control officer
($600) In “Middlemarch” wealthy & powerful Mr. Bulstrode has this occupation, also a job in the game Monopoly
($800) Each the main character of their own 2024 TV series, “Renegade Nell” & Dick Turpin are these robbers of the road in Olde England
($1000) Smith is the USA’s most common occupational surname; second is this, a job that’s literally a grind


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11 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    For Final, I didn’t go by the country, but, the city. That made it easy for me (even though my Portuguese is, essentially, non-existent!

    Liz seemed statuesque, literally. Robert gave it more of a try.

    I was 2/3 on DD.

  2. Ryan McClelland says:

    This episode didn’t air on WBZ-TV in Boston due to the special report. Did this episode air on WSBK?

  3. Howard says:

    Not much of a game, and mucho stumpers. Liz sure had some goofy answers (sumo, Holy Roman Empire).

    Like my bogey-free rounds of golf (where every hole is double bogey or worse), I blew all the DDs and FJ. Thought FJ was Niger and didn’t go elsewhere.

    A few of the stumpers weren’t killers. First violinist’s alternate title; the wrestling fall; and the Notch town in NH.

    VJ: are CCD classes where public school kids go to learn Catholicism? Mine all went to Catholic grade school and didn’t attend outside classes, but I recall seeing CCD mentioned in the church bulletin.

    • Jason says:

      You didn’t ask me, buddy, but, yes, CCD are for the Catholic kids not in Catholic school. Right now, I’m blanking (because it’s 45 years ago), although I DO recall RCIA – the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.

  4. Rick says:

    The categories in today’s game contained some really tough clues that continued to baffle the contestants. In addition, a tough FJ to be sure, but ‘Brazil’? Well I didn’t come up with anything better as I went for Antigua in FJ.

    • VJ says:

      They speak Portuguese in Brazil and the capital was changed from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia, so I’m not surprised that anyone’s train of thought went that way. Of course, Rio meaning river would make you reject that but maybe Robert didn’t have time or couldn’t think of anything else.

      Oddly enough, Wiktionary says that in the 16th century when the city was founded, the word “rio” could also mean other bodies of water.

  5. McClellandryan184 says:

    tonight’s episode may be entirely preempted in most U.S. markets due to Biden’s press conference.

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