Final Jeopardy: 20th Century America (6-8-20)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (6/8/2020) in the category “20th Century America” was:

10-year-old Martin Luther King Jr. sang with his church’s choir at the celebrated premiere of this film

New champ Morgan Wilbanks, a physician from Wauwatosa, WI, won $21,400 when we last saw him on May 22nd. In Game 2, he is up against: Lindsay Madejski, a privacy consultant from Falls Church, VA; and Tonya Schaan, a travel planner from Shreveport, LA.

Round 1 Categories: A National Monument-al Challenge – Colors – Name, Rank, No Serial Number – 3 to Get Ready – For Good Measure – “Rock” &/or “Roll” Songs

Tonya found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “National Monument” under the $1,000 clue on the 15th pick of the round. She was in the lead with $2,000, $1,200 more than Lindsay in second place. She made it a true Daily Double, with the “old James Holzhauer maneuver” that did not go unacknowledged by Alex, and she was RIGHT.

Windblown gypsum gives this national monument in New Mexico its self-evident two-word name (image) show

Tonya finished in the lead with $3,400. Lindsay was second with $2,600 and Morgan was last with $1,800.

Round 2 Categories: 19th Century Notables – Fonts of Wisdom – American Plays – Island People – This is Leopardy! – Transcendental Words

Morgan found the first Daily Double in “Transcendental Words” under the $1,200 clue on the 10th pick. He was in third place with $3,000 now, $1,200 less than Lindsay’s lead. He made it a true Daily Double and he was RIGHT.

To pour the cabernet oh-so-gently into another container. show

Morgan got the last Daily Double in “Fonts of Wisdom” under the $2,000 clue, with 7 clues left after it. In third place with $4,800, he had $3,000 less than Lindsay’s lead. He went all in again and he was RIGHT again.

The font for this historic book printed in 1455 has come to be known as Textura. show

Morgan finished in the lead with $11,600. Tonya was next with $11,000 and Lindsay was in third place with $9,000.

TWO of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


The December 15, 1939 premiere of “Gone With the Wind” at Loew’s Grand Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia was such a big deal, according to Time Magazine’s coverage at the time, that the Governor declared a state holiday. Not mentioned is the fact that the event was marred because black actresses Hattie McDaniel (“Mammy”) and Butterfly McQueen (“Prissy”) were not invited due to racial segregation. Soon afterwards Hattie McDaniel won the Best Supporting Oscar Actress for her work in the film.

The evening before the premiere, the Ebenezer Baptist Church choir performed at a gala at the Atlanta Auditorium, with 10-year-old Martin Luther King, Jr. among the singers. Martin Luther King, Sr. was photographed with the group, holding a guitar. Upon the film’s 75th anniversary in 1989, the Ebenezer Baptist Church choir was invited to recreate that 1939 performance. However, Pastor Joseph Roberts Jr. declined, stating “It’s a great old classic, but it is an affront to us, and I just felt that with what has happened in the Civil Rights movement and especially what has emanated from this church under Martin Luther King, Jr., people have a different status now.”

Lindsay didn’t have a response. She lost her $8,998 bet and dropped down to $2.00.

Tonya got it right. She bet it all and doubled her score to $22,000.

Morgan got it, too. He bet $11,000 and won the game with $22,600. His 2-day total is $44,000.

Final Jeopardy (6/8/2020) Morgan Wilbanks, Lindsay Madejski, Tonya Schaan

A triple stumper from each round:

“ROCK” &/OR “ROLL” SONGS ($400) Chuck Berry’s impossible 1956 title request of Ludwig van while “rockin’ in 2 by 2”

ISLAND PEOPLE ($400) John Luther & Macavity the Cat are among the roles of this British actor

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: ALL of the players got this FJ in “Brass Instruments”

In playing this instrument whose early version was called a sackbut, it’s about 6″ from A to B, about 7″ from C to D show

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3 Responses

  1. Richard Corliss says:

    I didn’t see this. Directtv had a problem with WVEC 13.

  2. Lou says:

    Morgan and Tonya were both pretty quick on the buzzer today and Lindsay couldn’t keep up with them. She was really close in beating Morgan but fell short a bit.

    • VJ says:

      Lindsay had the lead when Morgan got that last DD, Lou, so she was doing okay. I guess Tonya would have won if she or Lindsay got that last DD since Lindsay missed out on F! (That’s assuming they knew the answer to the DD, of course)