Final Jeopardy: British Places (6-5-24)

Here are some more clues from the 6/5/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

THE REAL RED TAILS ($600) Sheryl Lee Ralph: “Tuskegee Airmen excelled at engaging in dogfight tactics; Lieutenant Colonel Lee Archer described this hyphenated kind of combat as a duel between two men”

($000) Sheryl Lee Ralph: “The creation of the Red Tails was owed in part to Civil Rights activists who lobbied Congress to put non-discrimination provisions into this peacetime conscription act of 1940

U.S. REP. & PREZ ($400) He represented Virginia in Congress from 1789 to 1797; as president from 1809 to 1817, he had what was called his war

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ($400) The nicer buses within South Korean cities are called Jwaseok, which means this, something most people look for when they board

SCIENCE QUIZ ($800) One unit of this measure of pressure is equal to 101,325 pascals

($1200) The saber-toothed cat chilled out during this epoch colloquially called “the Great Ice Age”

21ST CENTURY BOOKS ($2000) The title of this 2023 James McBride novel refers to a shop run by a woman named Chona

CITY SLANG ($1600) In 2023 Lil Wayne revealed that “Ya heard me?” is one of his favorite slang terms from this city of his birth

($2000) A homophone of a first name but probably derived from “joint”, it’s Philly slang for almost any person, place or thing

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) To water the land by artificial means
($400) To provoke, like a fight
($600) Orkin will do it to prevent termites from brunching on your home
($800) To give various forms of a verb
($1000) Per the judicial branch of California, “to repeal or cancel an old law using another law”


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9 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    1/3 on DD, but got FJ.

    What I still don’t “get” is people staying silent, when they need a relatively small amount to keep the leader from a runaway. This is where I usually say, “you won’t get a second chance”, but, have to now append that to “being silent won’t get you an invite to Second Chance!”

    In my mind, there’s almost a musical cadence to city newspaper names. So, I got that P-I one.

    I was actually surprised that Adriana didn’t get that third DD – they even gave the “D”!

  2. Howard says:

    Didn’t know Final, but Bath is what I came up with. Obviously easier than it looked. Almost but not quite made up for blanking on all 3 DDs.

    Oh Allee, Allee, oxygen-free, you stood there like a statue for the final few clues when all you needed was to answer one (in her defense, it’s tough to look at the overhead scoreboard in the heat of battle). That last $400 stumper, the VA president, was a near-gimme. Kyle missed the CTA clue and went downhill from there. And he had two categories in his wheelhouse.

    A game of ebbs and flows. Adriana strangely stood still in the 2nd half of the first round, then came on like gangbusters afterward. One of my majors was newspaper journalism, so the P-I was easy. The conscription act was all too familiar to those of us of draft age in the 60s. Korean bus answer was very obvious. What else would you look for upon boarding a bus? Change on the floor?

    • Jacob Ska says:

      Howard, It appears our discussion last week turned into an entire category tonight. Tuskegee Airmen got an entire category tonight while the Buffalo Soldiers only warranted one clue last week which was a triple stumper. Tonight, Adiana seemed to like the Tuskegee Airmen category since she kept going back to it but only responded to one of the clues. Each contestant got one clue correct in that category. The two “triple stumpers” had me wondering why Adriana kept going back to that category. I guess she had a reason.

  3. Ryan McClelland says:

    So when are we going to have a male winner going to the next TOC?

  4. VJ says:

    It’s hard to believe that neither Adriana nor Allee knew the guy who was President from 1809 to 1817. It didn’t occur to them that the time period included the War of 1812.

    Allee would have broken Adriana’s runaway if she buzzed in so you’d think they both would have had a stake in getting that clue, after Kyle mistakenly named Monroe.

    • Sam in Seattle says:

      It must have been a brain hiccup. We all know one MUST know US Presidents to compete at Jeopardy. Congrats to Adriana on her sixth win and TOC invitation. I rather like “streakers” as it lets us learn a bit more about the contestants.
      Also, appreciated the Post Intelligencer Globe question – naturally.

    • Rick says:

      Well VJ, I wholeheartedly agree. I would have to readily admit that I was sort of dumbfounded that neither of them knew which U.S. president presided during that period. Then again, they could point fingers at me for flubbing the Fj.

  5. Kevin Cheng says:

    We finally have our first 6 day champion of the season. Congrats to Adriana. She’s now in first place all by herself in the TOC Tracker.